Relating the Reynolds number to the Drag Coeffient

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the Reynolds number and the drag coefficient. It is mentioned that the drag coefficient must be determined experimentally for different velocities, while the Reynolds number can be used to determine laminar or turbulent flow. The equation for calculating the drag coefficient is given, as well as the equation for Reynolds number. There is some confusion about how to solve for the drag coefficient in terms of the Reynolds number, and whether the viscosity of the medium affects the calculation.
  • #1
How does one relate the Reynolds number to the Drag Coeffient?

It seems the drag coefficient for different velocities must be determined experimentally per set. I know the Reynolds number is a method to determine laminar or turbulent flow, but can it be used to determine the drag coefficient?
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  • #2
See discussion on drag coeffient and the relationship between drag force and velocity here.

In addition, Reynolds number is a function of velocity, and density, characteristic dimension (length), and viscosity.

One can relate Re and Cd through velocity.
  • #3
Thank you for your response.

The Drag coefficient is given by,

[tex]\mbox{C}d\; =\; \frac{1}{2}\mbox{C}d\left( v \right)Apv^{2}[/tex]

And the Reynolds number is given by,

[tex]\mbox{Re}\; =\; \frac{vpl}{\mu }[/tex]

I'm failing to see how to solve Cd in terms of the Reynolds number since the Reynolds number doesn't contain a drag force.
  • #4
Anyone? The clock is ticking :(
  • #5
Taking [tex]Re\, =\, \frac{\rho vl}{\mu }[/tex], then

[tex]Re^2\, =\, \frac{(\rho vl)^2}{\mu^2 }[/tex], or

[tex]Re^2(\frac{\mu}{l})^2\, =\,(\rho v)^2}[/tex]

The one looks at Cd

[tex]C_d\; =\; \frac{1}{2}C_d\left( v \right)A\frac{(\rho v)^{2}}{\rho}[/tex]

then do appropriate substitution.
  • #6
Does it matter if the medium has a very high viscosity? We were looking at a calculation in sea water with a Poise of 1.025. Some gents said that the calculation that we used should use v2 instead of v. What do the gurus think?
  • #7
Unless you have some special kind of Cd, the drag force is usually proportional to v^2 rather than v. Without knowing what specific calculation you are talking about, deponent further sayeth not.