Riesz representation theorem example

In summary, the Riesz representation theorem is useful in determining the form of bounded linear functionals on Lp spaces. However, finding an example of a bounded linear functional that does not follow this form can be challenging, such as T(f(x)) = f(1) on L2. To determine if this functional is bounded, we need to find a function g in L2 that satisfies T(f(x)) = integral [fg]. It is possible to find a function f that is not in L2 but still satisfies the conditions, but this is a technicality. Another approach is to consider a Schauder basis and the corresponding coordinate functionals. Further understanding of what functions belong in which Lp spaces may also aid in finding
  • #1
My current understanding of the Riesz representation theorem is that it is useful since it tells you what all bounded linear functionals on Lp look like. They look like the integral of fg where g is some function in Lq. So, I was trying to think of an example of a bounded linear functional on an Lp space (1 <= p < infinity) that didn't look like the integral of fg where g is some function in Lq, and then find it's "riesz representation" --

I had a hard time thinking of a bounded linear functional, mostly because I'm still unsteady about the concept of "bounded" in this context. But I'm pretty sure that for f(x) in L2, T(f(x)) = f(1) would be a bounded linear functional on L2. T(af(x)+bh(x)) = af(1)+bh(1)= T(af(x)) +T(bh(x)), so it is linear. Now is it bounded? That is where I'm stuck.

||T|| = sup |f(1)|/||f||2

I don't know what to make of the numerator. It's smaller than the denominator? So ||T|| <= 1 and it is bounded (?) That means there must be a function g in L2 (I choose L2 since conjugate indicies are confusing otherwise) with T(f(x)) = integral [fg]. OK. What is g? That is where I'm stuck again.
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  • #2
Are you sure that |f(1)| has to be smaller than the area under the curve y = |f(x)|^2?
  • #3
Oh drat. I guess it could blow up at 1 and still be in L2. f(x) = 1/[x^3(x-1)] is in L2. So I need a new BOUNDED linear functional...
  • #4
I think that f isn't in L2, but I'm nitpicking because you clearly have the right idea.

Alas, I can only think of one way of producing linear functionals that aren't immediately integral operators -- finding a (Schauder) basis, and considering the corresponding coordinate functionals.
  • #5
Thanks. (Schauder) basis is s bit beyond what I'm ready for. I think it will be productive to spend some time thinking about what functions are in what Lp spaces. (I'm still rather bad at that.)

FAQ: Riesz representation theorem example

1. What is the Riesz representation theorem example?

The Riesz representation theorem is a fundamental result in functional analysis that states that every continuous linear functional on a Hilbert space can be represented by an inner product with a unique vector in that space.

2. What is a Hilbert space?

A Hilbert space is a complete vector space equipped with an inner product that allows for the measurement of lengths and angles. It is an important mathematical concept that is widely used in many areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering.

3. How does the Riesz representation theorem work?

The Riesz representation theorem provides a one-to-one correspondence between continuous linear functionals and elements of a Hilbert space. This means that for every continuous linear functional on a Hilbert space, there exists a unique vector in that space that can represent it.

4. What are some applications of the Riesz representation theorem?

The Riesz representation theorem has many applications in mathematics and its various branches, such as in the study of differential equations, Fourier analysis, and quantum mechanics. It is also used in signal processing, control theory, and optimization problems.

5. Is the Riesz representation theorem an example of a more general result?

Yes, the Riesz representation theorem is an example of a more general result known as the Riesz-Markov-Kakutani representation theorem, which extends the theorem to more general topological vector spaces.

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