Separation of variables and the chain rule

  • #1
Martyn Arthur
TL;DR Summary
Application of chain rule
Hi; given the equation ydy/dx=x^2 how is the chain rule applied to result in ydy =x^2dx?
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  • #2
What I know is that is a 1st order ODE can be solved by 'Seperating the Variables' method. So, #ydy=x^2dx# just take the integral of both side.

Is that what you meant in the OP?
  • #3
sorry no; I don't understand the actual application of the chain rule to produce the result
  • #4
Ok, I believe the experts are coming along to help out.
  • #5
Martyn Arthur said:
TL;DR Summary: Application of chain rule

Hi; given the equation ydy/dx=x^2 how is the chain rule applied to result in ydy =x^2dx?
That's not the chain rule. That's the defining property of the differentials ##dx## and ##dy##.
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Likes bhobba and DeBangis21
  • #6
You could use the chain rule as follows:
$$\frac d {dx}\big (y^2\big ) = 2y \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x^2$$$$\implies y^2 = \int 2x^2 dx$$
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Likes bhobba and bob012345
  • #7
y\frac{dy}{dx} &= x^2 \\
\int y\frac{dy}{dx} \,dx &= \int x^2 \,dx \end{split}[/tex] The left hand side can be integrated by substitution, also known as the "!inverse chain rule" since [tex]
\int_a^b g'(f(x))f'(x)\,dx = \int_a^b (g \circ f)'(x) \,dx = g(f(b)) - g(f(a)) = \int_{f(a)}^{f(b)} g'(y)\,dy[/tex] by the chain rule and the fundamental theorem.
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Likes bob012345, PhDeezNutz and DeBangis21
  • #8
Martyn Arthur said:
Hi; given the equation ydy/dx=x^2 how is the chain rule applied to result in ydy =x^2dx?
No chain rule at all -- what they did was to multiply both sides of the equation by dx.
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Likes bhobba and DeBangis21
  • #9
ah; thanks

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