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Homework Statement
I have a set of data from the DAMA experiment in which a detector attempted to measure collisions with 'WIMP's [Weakly Interacting Massive Particles] as a candidate for dark matter. The detector records the time in days of a collision event. After binning the data and performing a Chi sqared test to a sine function I need to perform an 'Unbinned Maximum Likelihood Fit'.
As I understand the maximum likelehood fit is calculated using the probability distribution function (which i think is poissonian) for each data point.
After this I'm at a loss. Could anyone perhaps decribe the steps involved or even point me in the direction of a good guide to this test?
Homework Equations
Poissonian PDF:
[itex]p(k,\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!}[/itex]
k - observed # of events
λ - expected # of events
(However, Surely the data needs to be binned for a poissonian distribution to apply at all?)