- #1
- 1,326
- 12
Homework Statement
With the Hamiltonian here:
Compute the cananonical ensemble partition function given by ##\frac{1}{h} \int dq dp \exp^{-\beta(H(p,q)}##
for 1-d , where ##h## is planks constant
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am okay for the ##p^2/2m## term and the ##aq^2## term via a simple change of variables and using the gaussian integral result ##\int e^{-x^2} dx = \sqrt{\pi}##
I am stuck on the ## \int dq e^{\beta b q^{3}}## and ## \int dq e^{\beta c q^{3}}## terms.
If these were of the form ## \int dq e^{-\beta b q^{3}}## I could evaluate via ##\int dx e^{-x^n} = \frac{1}{n} \Gamma (1/n) ## where ## \Gamma(1/n) ## is the gamma function;
however because it is a plus sign I have no idea how to integrate forms of ## \int dq e^{x^n}##
Or should I be considering the integral over ##q## all together and there is another way to simply:
##\int dq e^{-\beta(aq^2-bq^3-cq^4)}##
Many thanks in advance