Partition Definition and 307 Threads

  1. L

    Total Energy vs Average Energy (Thermo)

    When there is a probability involved with an energy state, e.g. with partition function, why is total energy the same as average energy (if it is). Just want to make sure - is this just a definition? Thanks
  2. S

    Number of ways to partition n persons and probability to form n groups

    1) At first my answer was ##n! \begin{pmatrix} n+r-1 \\ r - 1 \end{pmatrix} ## But I think that's not correct because let say first group consists of person A and B, by multiplying with n!, I also consider first group to be B and A which is just the same as A and B so there is double counting...
  3. E

    Details regarding the high temperature limit of the partition function

    My main question here is about how we actually justify, hopefully fairly rigorously, the steps leading towards converting the sum to an integral. My work is below: If we consider the canonical ensemble then, after tracing over the corresponding exponential we get: $$Z = \sum_{n=0}^\infty...
  4. H

    What Is the Correct Partition Function for a Spin System?

    ##Z = \sum_{-i}^{i} = e^{-E_n \beta}## ##Z = \sum_{0}^j e^{nh\beta} + \sum_{0}^j e^{-nh\beta}## Those sums are 2 finites geometric series ##Z = \frac{1- e^{h\beta(i+1)}}{1-e^{h\beta}} + \frac{1-e^{-h\beta(i+1)}}{1-e^{-h\beta}}## I don't think this is ring since from that I can't get 2 sinh...
  5. G

    I How Is the Partition Function of BaTiO3 Calculated in a Cubic Lattice?

    I have a cubic lattice, and I am trying to find the partition function and the expected value of the dipole moment. I represent the dipole moment as a unit vector pointing to one the 8 corners of the system. I know nothing about the average dipole moment , but I do know that the mean-field...
  6. LCSphysicist

    Partition function of modified Ising model

    $$H = - J ( \sum_{i = odd}) \sigma_i \sigma_{i+1} - \mu H ( \sum_{i} \sigma_i ) $$ So basically, my idea was to separate the particles in this way:: ##N_{\uparrow}## is the number of up spin particles ##N_{\downarrow}## "" down spin particles ##N_1## is the number of pairs of particles close...
  7. H

    I Partition function for continuous spectrum

    Let's say that we have a one-particle Hamiltonian that admits only a continuous spectrum of eigenvalues ##E(k)=\alpha k^2## parameterized by asymptotic momentum ##\mathbf{k}## (assuming the eigenfunctions become planewaves far from the origin), would the partition function then be $$Z=\int...
  8. Simobartz

    I Hamiltonian formalism and partition function

    In hamiltonian formalism we have the generalized coordinates ##q_i## and the conjugates moments ##p_i##. For a dipole in a give magnetic field ##B## the Hamiltonian is ##H=-\mu B cos \theta## where ##\theta## is the angle between ##\vec \mu## and ##\vec B##. Can i consider ##\theta## or ##cos...
  9. S

    I How Does Electron Spin Affect the Partition Function in Saha's Equation?

    Hey, I have a question about proving Saha's equation for ionizing hydrogen atoms. The formula is \frac{P_{p}}{P_{H}} = \frac{k_{B} T}{P_{e}} \left(\frac{2\pi m_{e} k_{B}T}{h^2} \right)^{\frac{3}{2}}e^{\frac{-I}{k_{B} T}} with P_{p} pressure proton's, P_{H} pressure hydrogen atoms, m_{e}...
  10. M

    Partition Function for system with 3 energy levels

    I determined the partition function of the particle A, B and C. C should be the same as B. I then considered the situation, where all particles are in the system at the same time, and drew a diagram of all possible arrangements: The grey boxes are the different partitions, given that we...
  11. M

    I Partition function of mixture of two gases

    I have a question about statistical physics. Suppose we have a closed container with two compartments, each with volume V , in thermal contact with a heat bath at temperature T, and we discuss the problem from the perspective of a canonic ensemble. At a certain moment the separating wall is...
  12. Dom Tesilbirth

    How to find the partition function of the 1D Ising model?

    Attempt at a solution: \begin{aligned}Z=\sum ^{N}_{r=0}C\left( N,r\right) e^{-\beta \left[ -NJ+2rJ\right] }\\ \Rightarrow Z=e^{\beta NJ}\sum ^{N}_{r=0}C\left( N,r\right) e^{-2\beta rJ}\end{aligned} Let ##e^{-2\beta J}=x##. Then ##e^{-2\beta rJ}=x^{r}##. \begin{aligned}\therefore Z=e^{\beta...
  13. burian

    I Entropy after removing partition separating gas into two compartments

    Summary:: Proving that entropy change in mixing of gas is positive definite > >An ideal gas is separated by a piston in such a way that the entropy of one prat is## S_1## and that of the other part is ##S_2##. Given that ##S_1>S_2##, if the piston is removed then the total entropy of the...
  14. anaisabel

    Grand partition function (Volume divided into N spaces)

    equation i need to proof. the N in here, is the avarege number of particles, N0 is the total number of particles,V is total volume, v0 I am not quite sure what it is because it isn't mentioned in the homework, but I am assuming it is the volume of which space.
  15. Z

    What Is the Gaussian Distribution of an Ideal Gas?

    My attempt : $$P(n) = \frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}} Exp[(n\mu -E)/\tau]$$, use $$\lambda = e^{\mu/\tau}$$, then the distribution can be written as $$P(n) = \frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}} \lambda^nExp[-E/\tau]$$ Note that the average number of particle can be written as $$<N>= \lambda \partial \lambda ( log...
  16. S

    I Problems with understanding the role of the partition of unity

    I'm reading "Calculus on manifolds" by Spivak and i can't understand the role that the partition of unity play and why this properties are important , Spivak say: What is the purpose of the partition of unity? if someone can give me examples, bibliography or clear my doubt i'll appreciate it.
  17. mjmnr3

    Partition function of a particle with two harmonic oscillators

    Here is the solution I have been given: But I really don't understand this solution. Why can I just add these two exponential factors (adding two individual partition...
  18. D

    Rotational partition function for CO2 molecule

    Hello fellow physicists, I need to calculate the rotational partition function for a CO2 molecule. I'm running into problems because I've found examples were they say this rotational partition function is: ##\zeta^r= \frac T {\sigma \theta_r} = \frac {2IkT} {\sigma \hbar^3}## Where...
  19. S

    Probability of a state given the partition function

    If my partition function is for a continuous distribution of energy, can I simply say that the probability of my ensemble being in a state with energy ##cU## is ##e^{-\beta cU} /Z##? I believe that isn't right as my energy distribution is continuous, and I need to be integrating over small...
  20. Diracobama2181

    Classical Canonical Partition Function in Two Dimensions

    For a single particle, $$Z=\frac{1}{h^2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-\beta \frac{P^2}{2m}}d^2p \int e^{-U(r)}drd\theta= \frac{1}{h^2}(\frac{2\pi m}{\beta}) 2\pi [\int_{0}^{r_0}e^{U_0}dr+\int_{r_0}^{R}dr]$$ $$ =\frac{1}{h^2}(\frac{2\pi m}{\beta}) 2\pi [e^{U_0}(r_0)+(R-r_0)]=\frac{\pi...
  21. LCSphysicist

    Estimate the partition function by analyzing a graphic

    I am not sure, but since the partition function Z is just the sum of all Boltzmann Factor We can just add: (some terms don't appear in the image, by the way, the estimative is nice, the result is above ANS) But i didn't understand what the author did: While i didn't even care about the...
  22. T

    What is the significance of the grand partition function in an Einstein solid?

    $$Q_{(\alpha, \beta)} = \sum_{N=0}^{\infty} e^{\alpha N} Z_{N}(\alpha, \beta) \hspace{1cm} (3.127)$$ Where ##Q## is the grand partition function, ##Z_N## is the canonical partition function and: $$\beta = \frac{1}{kT} \hspace{1cm} \alpha = \frac{\mu}{kT} \hspace{1cm} (3.128)$$ In the case of an...
  23. SchroedingersLion

    A Lennard Jones, 3 particles, partition function

    Greetings, similar to my previous thread (, I am trying to calculate the average inter-particle distance of particles that interact via Lennard Jones potentials...
  24. PGaccount

    I Partition function of quantum mechanics

    In quantum mechanics, we have the partition function Z[j] = e-W[j] = ∫ eiS+ jiOi. The propagator between two points 1 and 2 can be calculated as ## \frac{\delta}{\delta j_1}\frac{\delta}{\delta j_2} Z = \langle O_1 O_2 \rangle## The S in the path integral has been replaced by S → S + jiOi...
  25. snatchingthepi

    Partition function from the density of states

    I'm given the following density of states $$ \Omega(E) = \delta(E) + N\delta(E-\Delta) + \theta(E-\Delta)\left(\frac{1}{\Delta}\right)\left(\frac{E}{N\Delta}\right)^N $$ where $ \Delta $ is a positive constant. From here I have to "calculate the canonical partition function as a function of $$...
  26. P

    Partition Function for Spin-1 One Dimensional Ising Model

    $$H=-J\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\sigma_i\sigma_{i+1}$$ There is no external magnetic field, so the Hamiltonian is different than normal, and the spins $\sigma_i$ can be -1, 0, or 1. The boundary conditions are non-periodic (the chain just ends with the Nth spin) $$Z=e^{-\beta H}$$...
  27. A

    Partition function of 2 bosons in two energy level 0 and E

    For 2 bosons each of which can occupy any of the energy levels 0 and E the microstates will be 3 0 E a a aa - - aa the partition function is therefore $$z=1+e^{-\beta E}+e^{-2\beta E}...(1)$$ Another approach to do.. The single particle partition function is $$z=1+e^{-\beta E} $$...
  28. R

    I An equivalence relation is a partition of A?

    Hi equivalent class is a Cartesian product of A*A. Then shouldn't it's union be a partition of A*A, instead being a partition of A
  29. M

    MHB Show that the set is a partition of A

    Hey! :o let $A\neq \emptyset\neq B$ be sets, $C\subseteq A$, $D\subseteq B$ subsets and $f:A\rightarrow B$ a map. I want to show that the set $\{f^{-1}(\{x\})\mid x\in \text{im} f\}$ is a partition of $A$. To show that the set $\{f^{-1}(\{x\})\mid x\in \text{im} f\}$ is a partition of $A$, we...
  30. F

    Moving an adiabatic partition in an adiabatic container

    The actual data for the problem and my (and my friend's) attempt at a solution are in the attached file. In a nutshell, this is what happened. I obtained a solution based on the fact that the system is isolated. Thus the initially hot gas moves the partition doing work onto the initially cold...
  31. maajdl

    A Getting structure data from a partition function?

    Hello, From wikipedia, this is the partition function for a "classical continuous system": This is the pillar of classical statistical physics, but it can be seen as a mere kind of "mathematical transform" . It can be used even without thinking to statistics or temperature. If we focus only...
  32. BiGyElLoWhAt

    How to copy and simulate android on PC?

    Summary: I want to basically multipartition my pc and use MY android OS copied from my phone as the dual boot OS. Hi all, it's been awhile since I've posted. Sorry for AWOL. What I want to do: Partition my hard drive and run my exact copy of android on the other partition. Why: I want to...
  33. W

    I Grand Canonical Partition function

    Hi everyone, I understand that the grand-canonical partition function is given by $$Z = \sum_i e^{-\beta(E_i - \mu N_i)}$$ Is there any interpretation to the quantity ##E_i - \mu N_i## here? In the canonical ensemble this would simply be energy of the ##i##th state, so I suppose this would be...
  34. M

    Thermodynamics: Insulated Box Partition Question

    Homework Statement A thermally insulated, rigid vessel is divided into two equal compartments. One contains steam at 100 bar and 400 degrees Celcius, and the other is evacuated. The partition is removed. Calculate the resulting pressure and temperature. (Please let me know if this is the wrong...
  35. W

    I State functions in Grand Canonical Ensemble vs Canonical

    Hi all, I am slightly confused with regard to some ideas related to the GCE and CE. Assistance is greatly appreciated. Since the GCE's partition function is different from that of the CE's, are all state variables that are derived from the their respective partition functions still equal in...
  36. T

    Stat-Mech problem: pressure from a partition function

    Homework Statement A vessel having a volume ##V## initially contains ##N## atoms of dilute (ideal) helium gas in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings at a temperature ##T##, with initial pressure ##P_{i} (T ,V ) = \frac{NRT}{V}## . After some time, a number of helium atoms adhere to the...
  37. L

    A Partition function for a driven oscillator?

    I've seen the partition function calculated for the SHO before in a thermodynamics course in order to calculate entropy. Is it possible to calculate it for a driven harmonic oscillator?
  38. S

    Canonical partition function of an ideal gas (unit analysis)

    Homework Statement Basically the units of the Canonical Partition Function within the logarithms should be zero Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution N here is a number so we ignore the left logarithms, applying a "Unit function " for the terms within the logarithm...
  39. J

    Where can I find rotational/vibrational temperature data for ethane?

    Hi, Where would I find data for rotational/vibrational temperatures for a particular molecule (ethane)? I tried googling but had no luck. Also can you compute the moments of inerta for a particular (simple) molecule?
  40. Mentz114

    I Derivation of the partition function

    Starting from the definition of energy levels ##e_n## and occupations ##a_n## and the conditions ##\sum_n a_n = N## (2.2) and ##\sum_n a_n e_n = E## (2.3) where ##N## and ##E## are fixed I'm trying to find the distribution which extremizes the Shannon entropy. Using the frequency ##f_n=a_n/N##...
  41. Philip Koeck

    A Why is the partition for Fermions a sum of Boltzman factors?

    The partition function should essentially be the sum of probabilities of being in various states, I believe. Why is it then the sum of Boltzmann factors even for fermions and bosons? I've never seen a good motivation for this in literature.
  42. J

    Entropy and the partition function for nitrogen

    Homework Statement I'm attempting to calculate the translational entropy for N2 and I get a value of 207.8 J/Kmol. The tabulated value is given as 150.4 and I am stumped as to why the decrepancy. T = 298.15 K and P = 0.99 atm and V = 24.8 L R = 8.314 J/Kmol[/B] Homework Equations Strans =...
  43. J

    Vibrational entropy and the partition function

    Homework Statement I'm asked to compute the molar entropy of oxygen gas @ 298.15 K & 1 bar given: molecular mass of 5.312×10−26 kg, Θvib = 2256 K, Θrot = 2.07 K, σ = 2, and ge1 = 3. I'm currently stuck on the vibrational entropy calculation. Homework Equations [/B]S = NkT ∂/∂T {ln q} + Nk...
  44. H

    I Help with a partition function calculation

    <Re-opening approved by mentor.> Hi, I've always wondered why when calculating the partition function for a quantum system, we only sum over the eigenstates and not superimposed states. Thus I decided to actually try summing over all normalized states and see what would happen. Feedback is...
  45. H

    I Help with partition function calculation

    Hi, would very much appreciate it if I could get some help for something I was trying to calculate. I'm not very good at latex so I've just attached images of my attempt. I would very much appreciate it if you could look over the images I've taken and provide some feedback, thank you. I've been...
  46. D

    Partition Function for N Quantum Oscillators

    Homework Statement For 300 level Statistical Mechanics, we are asked to find the partition function for a Quantum Harmonic Oscillator with energy levels E(n) = hw(n+1/2). No big deal. We are then asked to find the partition function N such oscillators. Here I am confused. Homework Equations...
  47. T

    I Partition Function Derivation: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Self-repost from physics.SE; I underestimated how dead it was. So this follows Schroeder's Intro to Thermal Physics equations 6.1-6.7, but the question isn't book specific. Please let me be clear: I know for a fact I'm wrong. However, it feels like performing seemingly allowed manipulations, I...
  48. FranciscoSili

    Partition Function of N particles in an assymetrical box

    Homework Statement Consider a gas sufficiently diluted containing N identical molecules of mass m in a box of dimensions Lx, Ly, Lz. Calculate the probability of finding the molecules in any of their quantum states. Calculate the energy of each quantum state εr, as a function of the quantum...