Strength Of Materials (Sample Problems Solved)

In summary, Strength of Materials (SOM) is a branch of engineering mechanics that focuses on the behavior of solid objects under stress and strain. It is important in engineering for designing and analyzing structures and selecting appropriate materials. The types of loads in SOM include tension, compression, shear, bending, torsion, and combined loads. Stress and strain are related through Hooke's law, and common methods of determining the strength of materials include various tests and computer simulations.
  • #1
Here are some great Strenght Of Materials problems..

Scroll down and under the coursework problem click the example and take a look at the different problems.. Those are fully solved.
I'm not sure how long the site will be active but its very helpful so download the pdf file before my professor takes it offline.

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  • #2
Help! Can anybody please explain 2 me homework i can draw d bending moment & shear force diagram.