Tight Binding Model: Reference Book for Band Structure

In summary, the conversation is about finding a reference book that thoroughly explains the tight binding model used to determine the band structure of metals and semiconductors. The suggested books are Quantum Theory of Solids by Kittel and Solid State Physics by Ashcroft and Mermin. It is also mentioned that the band structure is not directly related to the tight binding model, but rather originates from a unitary transformation from local orbital basis to crystal orbital basis. The importance of the totally symmetric irreducible representation in computing matrix elements is also discussed. Further details can be found in Landau & Lifgarbagez:Volume 3.
  • #1
Can anyone give a reference to book in which the model of tight binding is well explained.
This model is used to find band structure of metals and semiconductors. I'm interested
in a book which states all needed assumptions and gives logically consistent mathematical
reasoning explaing why energy bands exist.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Quantum theory of solids, Kittel
Solid state physics, Ashcroft and Mermin

  • #3
Note that the band structure has nothing to do with the tight binding model. Tight binding is simply one of the many approximations one can invoke to construct matrix elements for electronic structure theories (like Kohn-Sham DFT).

The bands originate from a unitary transformation from the local orbital basis (Wannier basis) to the crystal orbital basis (Bloch orbital basis). In the Wannier basis, there is one set of more-or-less atomic orbitals for each atom in the lattice, and these are orthonormal and degenerate (i.e., equal at each site, apart from position and phase of course). However, they do not diagonalize any kind of Fock matrix. After the CO transformation you don't have atomic sites anymore, but inverse lattice sites; and the matrix element computation is simplified because different k vectors belong to different irreducible representations of the spatial symmetry group, and for most matrix elements there is a theorem that the product representation of all its indices must contain the totally symmetric irrep in order to not vanish.
  • #4
What cgk meant by the "totally symmetric representation" is actually the trivial representation. Landau & Lifgarbagez:Volume 3 explains in simple terms why this wonderful theorem is true (sort of like the Kraemers degeneracy theorem).

  • #5
cgk could you tell me where I can find some details about what you've written above.
Thanks for all answers.

FAQ: Tight Binding Model: Reference Book for Band Structure

What is the Tight Binding Model?

The Tight Binding Model is a mathematical model used in solid state physics to describe the electronic band structure of a material. It takes into account the interactions between the electrons and atoms in a crystal lattice to predict the energy levels and behavior of electrons in a material.

How is the Tight Binding Model used in research?

The Tight Binding Model is widely used in research to study the electronic properties of materials, such as semiconductors and metals. It allows scientists to understand the behavior of electrons in different materials and predict their properties, which is crucial for developing new technologies and materials.

What are the limitations of the Tight Binding Model?

While the Tight Binding Model is a powerful tool for understanding electronic band structures, it does have some limitations. It is most accurate for materials with a simple crystal structure and does not take into account factors like electron-electron interactions, which can be important in some materials.

How does the Tight Binding Model differ from other band structure models?

The Tight Binding Model differs from other band structure models, such as the nearly-free electron model and the effective mass approximation, in that it takes into account the specific atomic interactions in a crystal lattice. This allows for a more accurate prediction of the electronic band structure in materials with complex crystal structures.

Is the Tight Binding Model applicable to all materials?

No, the Tight Binding Model is most applicable to materials with a periodic crystal structure, such as crystals, metals, and semiconductors. It is not suitable for materials with a disordered or amorphous structure, such as glasses or polymers.
