Troubleshooting: How to Remove a Stuck Pan from a Pressure Cooker

  • Thread starter fkasmani
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  • #36
sophiecentaur said:
I wonder what topological cooking tastes like.

haha, maybe we could share the pudding once it's out

but I really don't want to give up on it that's why I've not yet taken it to have the lid grinded off - BTW, it's still in the freezer and the ice has not managed to pop the lid off.
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  • #37
Just try giving it that bash / hard tap with the two hammers (move all round the periphery, doing the same thing - there may be just one or two stuck points). I could almost guarantee a result - as long as you are careful not to distort things permanently!

And, topologically, most of the food never actually gets into your body - it just passes through the hole running through the middle.
  • #38
  1. Place your arms around the pot's waist.
  2. Make a fist with one hand and place your thumb toward the pot, just above its belly button.
  3. Grab your fist with your other hand.
  4. Deliver five upward squeeze-thrusts into the pot's abdomen.
  5. Keep a firm grip on the pot, since it may lose consciousness and fall to the ground if the maneuver is not effective.
And hurry dammit! It's been ... 10 days already! There's no time to lose!
  • #39
GUYS, THE FREEZING METHOD WORKED! (but only to a certain extent)

as was suggested, I filled the empty lower space with water and froze for many days and the ice actually expanded and pushed the pan a bit. OK, it didn't push the stuck lid out completely, but it was now possible to pass in a plier and WITH MUCH STRENGTH, pull the stuck pan out - Sophiecentaur, you're right - there were only 2 opposite points at which it was maximum stuck.

But it's finally out without having to use any destructive methods.

Thanks so much everyone for your help and suggestions.
BTW, the pudding looked good but was now all soggy and mushy because of the water I had filled in. And Dave, you'd better show me the "belly button" on the pot sometime.

Take care, guys and once again, Thanks so much.
  • #40
Now enjoy your meal, Sir.
  • #41
This thread wins.

My initial impression was to use some brake parts cleaner and light it like someone already suggested but I probably would not have wanted to eat the pudding after that.

I think an electromagnet would have been the only method that would not have damaged the pudding in any way... They have solinoids in old electric typwriters and stuff that are suprisingly strong.
  • #42
hey,, I'm not eating the pudding - I already threw it.
  • #43
I just hate faddy eaters!

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