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Homework Statement
Show that [tex]ψ(x,t)=Ae^{i(kt-ωt)}[/tex] is a solution to the Klein-Gordon equation [tex]\frac{∂
^2ψ(x,t)}{∂x^2}-\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{∂^2ψ(x,t)}{∂t^2}-\frac{m^2c^2}{\hbar^2}ψ(x,t)=0[/tex] if [tex]ω=\sqrt{k^2c^2+(m^2c^4/\hbar^2)}[/tex] Determine the group velocity of a wave packet made up of waves satisfying the Klein-Gordon equation. Show that [itex]E=\sqrt{p^2c^2+m^2c^4}[/itex] for these particles and show that speed v is equal to the group velocity.
The Attempt at a Solution
The last proof, show that the speed = group velocity, is where I'm having trouble. I've done the rest. The solution I got for group velocity is
[tex]V_g=\frac{∂ω}{∂k}=\frac{kc^2}{\sqrt{k^2c^2+(m^2c^4/\hbar^2)}},[/tex] so now the way I've been trying to solve this is taking the expression for E and manipulating it trying to achieve Vg.
Using equations like [itex]E=\hbar\omega,E=\frac{p^2}{2m},p=mv,E=\frac{mv^2}{2},p=\hbar k[/itex] among others, I can't get it to equate.
I can get down to [itex]V_g=\sqrt{c^2+v^2}[/itex] but that's the closest I've got.
Just a subtle hint at a starting point would be great. Thanks.
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