- #1
- 163
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Homework Statement
See attachment.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
So I have shown that the plane wave sol'n satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation by subbing in and reducing the equation to:
[tex]E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4[/tex]
which reduces to:
[tex]E = pc[/tex]
for an m = 0 particle, however I don't really know how to show that this would correspond with the wave traveling at the speed of light.
Next I am asked to act on the wave function with the Hamiltonian and momentum operators, I assume I should act with the relativistic Hamiltonian so:
[tex]\hat{H} = (-\hbar^2\frac{\partial^2 }{\partial x^2}c^2 + m^2c^4)^{1/2}[/tex]
So I get:
[tex]\hat{H}\psi = \sqrt{4\hbar^2c^2k^2 + m^2c^4}(e^{i(wt-kx)})[/tex]
[tex]E = \sqrt{4\hbar^2c^2k^2 + m^2c^4}[/tex]
[tex]h\nu = \sqrt{4\hbar^2c^2k^2 + m^2c^4}[/tex]
Reduces to:
[tex]-3h^2\nu^2 = m^2c^4[/tex]
So I'm not sure what I have done wrong,
now for the momentum:
[tex]\hat{p}\psi = -i\hbar\frac{\partial }{\partial x}(e^{i(wt-kx)})[/tex]
Reduces to:
[tex]= -\hbar k(e^{i(wt-kx)})[/tex]
[tex]\frac{h}{\lambda} = -\hbar k[/tex]
[tex]\frac{h}{\lambda} = -\frac{h}{\lambda}[/tex]
Once again something has gone wrong, not sure what. . .
On the very last bit 2.(a) I basically don't know how to show that it does not satisfy the energy-mass-momentum relation. I have tried separating components and solving for E3 with,
[tex](m_ec,\bar{0}) = ((|\bar{p}_2|^2 + m_e^2c^2)^{1/2},\bar{p}_2) + (E_3,\bar{p}_3)[/tex]
to no avail, so I'm pretty lost on this one any general advice or direction would help.
Thanks in advance!