What are some online resources for learning 11th grade physics?

Fundamentals of Physics I" and "Fundamentals of Physics II". They are available on Open Yale Courses website. These courses cover all the topics you mentioned and are taught at a beginner level. There are also live audio discussions available on the website for additional learning. In summary, there are online resources and live discussions available for learning physics at a beginner level.
  • #1
Canadian physics standards may be different then that of US Standards.

I am middle aged but wanted to try for the electrician apprentice program offered by the local technical collages. In order to be a apprentice, 11th grade physics and 11th grade math are pre requirements and I will be tested on them in june.

I am trying to find a site online that discusses area of Wave Motion and Geometric Optics; Kinematics; Dynamics; Energy; Special Relativity; , static and dynamic friction, pendium calculation of time, calculating time for a rolling object to reach bottom of a ramp and so on.

Also, are there live online audio discussions that talk about physics from a beginner standpoint?
Text learning is kind of boring but live sessions would be so much more interactive.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You can have a look at these two courses by Ramamurti Shankar:

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