What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of vibrational energy and its relationship to temperature and molecular motion. It is clarified that particles do not vibrate, but rather the motion of molecules is modeled as vibrations through interactions with other particles. The concept of random motion is also discussed, with the ideal gas model being used to explain the random motion of particles in a gas at a finite temperature. It is confirmed that temperature and vibration are macroscopic quantities, with vibration also being possible at the molecular level.
  • #1
I intuitively understand macroscopic vibration, but trying to understand what it means for a particle to vibrate doesn't seem to make sense from the classical understanding I have of momentum and energy. First, are particles even said to vibrate or have vibrational energy? If so, how is momentum conserved between finite intervals when, as I understand vibration, the particle could be moving in one direction at an initial time (t0) and the opposite at the final time (tf). In these cases I can see how energy, as a scalar, might be conserved, but not momentum as a vector.

For context, I'm trying to develop a deeper understanding of temperature and molecular walk, which depend on the random motion of a particle, which I vaguely understand as a store of "vibrational energy."
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  • #2
The random walk problem that you mentioned is not an example of vibrational energy but of kinetic energy of particles in random motion. By definition, a particle does not have an internal structure, so it does not vibrate.
Vibrational motion of a molecule is modeled by two (or more) particles interacting with each other through forces mimicked by springs.
  • #3
Chandra Prayaga said:
The random walk problem that you mentioned is not an example of vibrational energy but of kinetic energy of particles in random motion. By definition, a particle does not have an internal structure, so it does not vibrate.
Vibrational motion of a molecule is modeled by two (or more) particles interacting with each other through forces mimicked by springs.
Then what exactly is meant by "random motion" and how does that not violate any conservation principles? My, again, classical understanding would have me believe a particle, unimpeded, will travel in a straight line.

Is the complex motion of a single particle in a large system of particles simply modeled as stochastic, or is there something fundamentally random about the motion of an individual particle?
  • #4
Unimpeded is the correct word. Random motion does not occur in the case of a single particle. It happens in a gas at a finite temperature. The molecules or "particles" if you like, are in random motion, colliding with each other, and with the walls. The collisions result in random changes in directions of motion. This model is called the ideal gas model. All collisions are assumed to be elastic, and conserve both energy and momentum. You will find the model described in any introductory textbook of physics.
  • #5
Chandra Prayaga said:
Unimpeded is the correct word. Random motion does not occur in the case of a single particle. It happens in a gas at a finite temperature. The molecules or "particles" if you like, are in random motion, colliding with each other, and with the walls. The collisions result in random changes in directions of motion. This model is called the ideal gas model. All collisions are assumed to be elastic, and conserve both energy and momentum. You will find the model described in any introductory textbook of physics.

I am definitely familiar with the ideal gas model. I have my copy of University Physics next to me. I just wanted to confirm that temperature/vibration are macroscopic quantities (describing systems of particles, rather than an individual particle).
  • #6
Temperature is indeed a macroscopic concept. Vibration is not necessarily a "macroscopic" concept involving a very large number of particles. A single molecule with even two atoms (such as the hydrogen molecule) does oscillate.
  • #7
Chandra Prayaga said:
Temperature is indeed a macroscopic concept. Vibration is not necessarily a "macroscopic" concept involving a very large number of particles. A single molecule with even two atoms (such as the hydrogen molecule) does oscillate.
Thanks for answering my questions! Clears some things up!

FAQ: What does it mean for a particle to vibrate?

What is the definition of particle vibration?

Particle vibration is the rapid back and forth movement of a particle about its equilibrium position. This movement is caused by the transfer of energy from one particle to the next.

How does a particle vibrate?

A particle vibrates when it absorbs energy, causing it to move away from its equilibrium position. As the energy is released, the particle moves back to its equilibrium position and overshoots, creating a repeating cycle of back and forth motion.

What causes a particle to vibrate?

A particle can be made to vibrate by a variety of factors, including an external force, changes in temperature, or interactions with other particles. In some cases, particles may also vibrate due to their own internal energy.

What is the relationship between frequency and particle vibration?

The frequency of a particle's vibration refers to the number of times it completes a full cycle of back and forth motion in a given time period. Higher frequencies indicate faster vibrations, while lower frequencies indicate slower vibrations.

How is particle vibration related to sound and light?

Particle vibration is the basis for both sound and light waves. In sound, particles vibrate in a medium to create compressions and rarefactions, which are perceived as sound. In light, particles vibrate to create electromagnetic waves, which are perceived as light.

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