What is (rest) mass for a particle?

In summary, the energy equation for a particle involves the rest mass and momentum, but if the momentum is zero, all the energy comes from the term mc^2, suggesting that the particle still holds some energy. This energy can take the form of vibration in string theory, or in the case of electron-positron annihilation, kinetic energy. However, these labels are mainly for convenience and the true source of the energy is the mass of the particle. The uncertainty principle may complicate the concept of a particle being at rest, but it does not affect the rest mass, which is an inherent property of the particle's field.
  • #1
The energy equation for a particle contains the rest mass and momentum. If the momentum is zero, all the energy comes from the term
. That means the particle still holds some energy. What is the form of that energy? For example string theory explains particles as vibrating strings, and I suppose we can think that the energy is stored as the vibration.
Another thing I can imagine is when we look at the electron- positron annihilation. The energy stored in the mass of these particles turns to a form of energy specific to motion, we can call kinetic. Can we say that these particles already had this form of energy within themselves? If not how do we call it and how do we explain it.
There is also a problem regarding the uncertainty principle that I was told it is related to this subject. If the position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined with absolute precision, does it mean that no particle can be at rest? If so, should it influence the rest mass? I think not.
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  • #2
calinvass said:
That means the particle still holds some energy. What is the form of that energy? For example string theory explains particles as vibrating strings, and I suppose we can think that the energy is stored as the vibration.

If we think of something like a free electron, which is an elementary particle, then it has no vibrational or any other internal modes in which to store energy, so it cannot be any internal process like some atoms or molecules have. The 'form' of the energy is simply the mass of the particle.

calinvass said:
Another thing I can imagine is when we look at the electron- positron annihilation. The energy stored in the mass of these particles turns to a form of energy specific to motion, we can call kinetic. Can we say that these particles already had this form of energy within themselves? If not how do we call it and how do we explain it.

We explain it using the mass-energy relationship equation you already know of. Two particles with a combined mass of ##m_{t}## can annihilate and the combined energy of the photons is equal to ##m_{t}c^2## plus any additional energy the two particles may have had, such as the combined kinetic energy (contained within the momentum term in the equation).

Don't get too caught up in 'labels' for energy. They are mostly there for convenience. We could very well get rid of the term 'kinetic energy' and nothing would change except it would be much more of a pain in the butt to talk about the work that a moving object can perform. For the energy capable of being liberated from a particle upon annihilation, or the energy required to create a particle from a collision or decay event, we must include a mathematical term whose value is equal to the mass of the particle times the square of the speed of light, or ##mc^2##. The only label I know of for this is 'rest energy', but I don't know if that's an official term or not. But whatever you choose to call it, that term still has to be there in order for the math to work and the physics to make sense.

calinvass said:
There is also a problem regarding the uncertainty principle that I was told it is related to this subject. If the position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined with absolute precision, does it mean that no particle can be at rest? If so, should it influence the rest mass? I think not.

Unfortunately I can't answer that.
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  • #3
calinvass said:
If the position and momentum of a particle cannot be determined with absolute precision, does it mean that no particle can be at rest?

Not really. But it does mean you have to be careful how you define "at rest", and in finding quantum states that satisfy a workable definition of that term. (These states are called "coherent states".)

calinvass said:
should it influence the rest mass?

No. In quantum field theory, the rest mass (or invariant mass) is an inherent property of the field.
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  • #4
PeterDonis said:
Not really. But it does mean you have to be careful how you define "at rest", and in finding quantum states that satisfy a workable definition of that term. (These states are called "coherent states".)

That's correct.

You can measure zero momentum, but you can't infer from that it has a position until you actually measure it.


FAQ: What is (rest) mass for a particle?

1. What is rest mass for a particle?

The rest mass of a particle is the mass of a particle when it is at rest, meaning it is not moving. It is also referred to as the intrinsic mass or invariant mass.

2. How is rest mass different from other types of mass?

Rest mass is different from other types of mass, such as relativistic mass or rest energy, because it is a property that remains constant regardless of the frame of reference. This means that the rest mass of a particle will be the same no matter how fast it is moving or from what perspective it is being observed.

3. Why is rest mass important in physics?

Rest mass is important in physics because it is a fundamental property of particles and is used in many equations and theories. It is also used to calculate other quantities, such as relativistic mass and energy.

4. How is rest mass measured?

Rest mass can be measured using various techniques, such as mass spectrometry or by measuring the particle's momentum and velocity. In some cases, the rest mass can also be calculated using other known quantities.

5. Can rest mass change?

No, rest mass cannot change. It is a constant property of a particle and will remain the same regardless of any external factors. However, the total energy of a particle, which includes its rest mass and kinetic energy, can change as the particle's velocity changes.

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