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NOT 2 Bjedishrfu said:B
Borg said:If the start and stop height differences are the same, wouldn't the answer be C?
Hornbein said:NOT 2 B
micromass said:HINT:
OrangeDog said:If the lines are frictionless then it shouldn't matter
Borek said:Brachistochrone is not flat, but everything that goes below is again slower - does it mean trajectories that go "deeper" are slower than brachistochrone, but always faster than the flat/straight one?
OrangeDog said:θOk the answer to this problem was bothering me, so I did some math:
PeroK said:The straight line takes longer when:
##h < \frac{3d}{4}##
Borek said:Actually now that I think about it, it is trivial - let's say we go down, horizontal, up (sides of a rectangle, or more precisely, sides of a right trapezoid). There always exist a rectangle in which going down takes exactly as long as the horizontal leg in the "flat" case. That means going through the sides of the rectangle will take a bit longer than two times the flat case. That in turn means not every path below the flat one is guaranteed to be faster - or, in other words, B is not guaranteed to be faster than A, and to be sure which is faster we need to know exact shape of B and calculate the time it takes to travel both paths.
Or am I misunderstanding something?
micromass said:http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aX9zqD2_460s.jpg
micromass said:HINT:
Dadface said:From these numbers it should be easy to see that in general a journey with variable heights will take a longer time to complete.
Rx7man said:I would tend to say that since the lower curve doesn't have a huge extra distance to travel, it would get there first because it'll be able to get more momentum.. However, at some point (even in a frictionless environment) if there are too many humps adding too much distance for it to travel, and that'll slow down it's rightward speed too much.
fresh_42 said:If the difference in height is equal on both curves then the difference in potential energy is equal at start and finish line. Since this is the only available energy (assumption) to be transformed in kinetic energy the saldo is zero. So (c) is the correct answer. Taking eventual friction into account it would be (a) for it is shorter, i.e. less friction.
But it isn't one. The more on kinetic energy gained downwards is lost again upwards. (But I haven't done the math, maybe it doesn't cancel out, however I think it does. I desperately try to remember the analogous experiment in a math museum I once visited, I thought they were equally fast at the finish ...)Borek said:Then how come brachistochrone exists, if time on all curves is identical?
fresh_42 said:But it isn't one. The more on kinetic energy gained downwards is lost again upwards. (But I haven't done the math, maybe it doesn't cancel out, however I think it does.)
The answer to this physics riddle can vary depending on the specific riddle being referenced. Can you provide more details about the riddle in question?
One example of a physics riddle is: "What has a head and a tail, is brown, and has no legs?" The answer is a penny, as it has a head and a tail, is brown in color, and does not have any legs.
No, there is no specific formula for solving physics riddles. However, having a strong understanding of basic physics principles and critical thinking skills can help in solving these types of puzzles.
No, physics riddles can be enjoyed by people of all ages and levels of scientific knowledge. They can be a fun and engaging way to learn about physics concepts and principles.
Yes, some physics riddles may have multiple correct answers, as they can be interpreted in different ways. This adds to the fun and challenge of solving these types of puzzles.