What is the maximum charge in Coulombs can be obtained in ionistor?

In summary, the conversation discusses the maximum charge that can be obtained on the plates of ionistors, which are the same as capacitors. The link provided leads to information about supercapacitors, which have their Farad rating printed on them. The conversation also clarifies that Farad measures electrical capacitance, not charge. To calculate the charge in Coulombs, one must multiply the capacitance in Farads by the voltage in Volts. For example, a 10000F capacitor with a 5V voltage would have a stored charge of 50000 Coulombs. However, it is noted that 1 Coulomb is a large charge, and a 10000F capacitor is considered huge. The conversation also mentions the
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ivanovenkoi said:

what on Earth is that ?
the link you supplied goes to capacitors, and in particular, super capacitors

Capacitors have their Farad rating printed on them
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  • #3
Ionistor is the same as capacitors. I mean capacitors exactly. I need the maximum available charge in Coulombs, not in Farads. Because Farad measures not charge but electrical capacitance.

P.S. Sorry for my poor English, I am not english speaker.

davenn said:
welcome to PF :smile:

what on Earth is that ?
the link you supplied goes to capacitors, and in particular, super capacitors

Capacitors have their Farad rating printed on them

Ionistors are capacitors in general. I need not Farad, because farad is electrical capacitance. I need charge in coulombs.
davenn said:
welcome to PF :smile:

what on Earth is that ?
the link you supplied goes to capacitors, and in particular, super capacitors

Capacitors have their Farad rating printed on them
  • #4
ivanovenkoi said:
I need the maximum available charge in Coulombs, not in Farads.

So multiply the Capacitance in Farads by the Voltage in Volts, and you get the stored charge Q in Coulombs.
  • #5
berkeman said:

So multiply the Capacitance in Farads by the Voltage in Volts, and you get the stored charge Q in Coulombs.
So can it be 10000F × 5V = 50000 Coulombs for ecample? Or it's too much? I need digit order. Because I read that 1 coulomb is a very big charge. So 50000 is extremely big, isn't it?
  • #6
ivanovenkoi said:
So can it be 10000F × 5V = 50000 Coulombs for ecample? Or it's too much? I need digit order. Because I read that 1 coulomb is a very big charge. So 50000 is extremely big, isn't it?
10,000 Farads is a huge capacitor. Where are you finding something like that?
  • #7
phyzguy said:
10,000 Farads is a huge capacitor. Where are you finding something like that?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SupercapacitorHere I see in the table below supercapacitors 100..12000F, 2.2..3.3V
So 12000F*3.3V is almoustly 40000 Coulombs, isn't it?
  • #8
ivanovenkoi said:
Here I see in the table below supercapacitors 100..12000F, 2.2..3.3V
Be sure to read the limitations of supercaps. What is the application? You are not going to dump all of that charge all at once out of a supercap...
  • #9
What berkeman said is right.
If it is for a practical application beware of the maximum charge and discharge current for the specific capacitor you buy.

FAQ: What is the maximum charge in Coulombs can be obtained in ionistor?

1. What is an ionistor?

An ionistor is a type of capacitor that uses ions instead of electrons to store and release electrical energy. It consists of two electrodes separated by an electrolyte solution.

2. How does an ionistor work?

An ionistor works by using the movement of ions between the two electrodes to store and release electrical energy. When a voltage is applied, the ions in the electrolyte solution are attracted to the opposite electrode, creating a charge imbalance. This charge can then be released when needed.

3. What is the maximum charge that can be obtained in an ionistor?

The maximum charge that can be obtained in an ionistor depends on the size and design of the capacitor. Generally, ionistors can store a few hundred Coulombs of charge.

4. Is there a limit to the number of times an ionistor can be charged and discharged?

Yes, there is a limit to the number of times an ionistor can be charged and discharged. This is due to the degradation of the electrolyte solution and the electrodes over time. However, with proper maintenance and use, an ionistor can last for thousands of charge/discharge cycles.

5. What are the applications of ionistors?

Ionistors have various applications in electronics, including energy storage in renewable energy systems, power backup in electronic devices, and pulse power applications in lasers and particle accelerators. They are also being explored for use in electric vehicles and grid-level energy storage.

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