What materials can I use for an egg drop competition?

  • #1
An Luu
I have a egg drop competition coming up, and I am only able to use:
Duct tape
Hot Glue
50 Wooden Craft Sticks
I have no idea where to begin. The egg will be dropped from 3 meters.
Any ideas?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Oh, I remember doing this!

The whole point of this project is to use your ingenuity to find something that works. We aren't going to tell you how to do it! Just go out and buy a huuuuge container of popsicle sticks (they sell them really cheaply, if i recall correctly), and try some things. Pretty soon, you'll figure out what works best and what doesn't. Then you'll have some idea of where to begin.
  • #3
think geodesic