Where Can I Find Simulation Learning Resources for Comsol Multiphysics?

  • #1

I recently tried to perform a simulation of a physical process on Comsol Multiphysics (namely I tried ot find the harmonics of a musical instrument) and I felt incredibly lost at it. I'm normally good with computer programs, and I knew the overall physics of it, but I didn't even know where to start, and I couldn't find any good information on google.

Could you point me to some places where I can learn how to use this kind of programs?

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
Comsol offers all sorts of training but they are a bit expensive if you're a student. They're generally intended for the industry professional who's company picks up the cost.
  • #3
Yes, right now I can't spend much money. I was thinking on books, forums, blogs, maybe similar opensource programs...
  • #4
The comsol manual is very good, with nice step-by-step tutorials.

Have you worked through any of the examples?
  • #5
I did, and I managed to obtain the same results, but I'm not sure I learned how to perform a simulation from scratch. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.
  • #6
maybe you should learn it from the model library. start with the model library that contain sound modular.