Which Mattress Offers Better Protection Against Radioactive Pea: Lead or Cotton?

  • Thread starter iatesunshine
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In summary, the conversation discusses the requirements for obtaining tenure by spending the night on a mattress with a highly radioactive pea underneath. The two options for mattresses are a solid lead one that is 3cm thick or a cotton one that is 0.5m thick. The relative amount of protection provided by each mattress is calculated based on the dose received and the absorption and scattering cross sections. The individual is most concerned about reducing the dose to the most exposed cubic centimeter of their body. The conversation also touches on the use of shielding, the inverse square law for distance, and the need for the absorption coefficient. The conversation concludes with a suggestion to look at tabulated absorption coefficients and the use of Planck's radiation formula for the pea
  • #1

Homework Statement

In order to be granted tenure, you are required to spend the night on a mattress below which has been placed a highly radioactive pea. You may choose either a solid lead mattress which is 3cm thick or a cotton mattress (considered to be made of carbon of density 0.10 g/cm^3) which is 0.5 m thick. Assuming the pea has been doped with 65Zn, calculate the relative amount of protection afforded you by each mattress- i.e. the ratio between the doses you get in each case. Assume the thickness of the mattress equals the distance from the pea to the nearest spot on your skin (in the small of your back assuming you sleep on your back). Also assume most of th gammas which Compton scatter won't reach you, so you can use the sum of absorption and scattering cross sections. Calculate you are most concerned about reducing the dose to the most exposed cubic centimeter of your body.

Homework Equations

I know 65Zn=.330188 Roetgens/hr 1m from 1curie
density of Zn=6.92 g/cm^3

I know the amount of radiation you receive is proportional to the amount of time spent near the source and for distance is proportional to the inverse square law. I also know shielding protects against radiation, but I'm not sure what sort of proportionality I should use.

I know the depth of penetration from radiation is 1/absorption coefficient. However I do not know how to get the absorption coefficient.

I've also worked out Planck's Radiation Formula for the pea with radius = 1cm.
P=alphaAT^4=(5.67*10^8)(4pi)(294)^4=5323 W

So I guess what I need help on is where to look next.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You need to know the energy of the Gamma rays emitted. Absorption coefficients are tabulated here:http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayMassCoef/tab3.html"

you want the attenuation coefficient, which includes scattering reactions. See the links at the bottom of that page. These have to be multiplied by the density of the material to get the absorption depth.

Planck's radiation formula has nothing to do with nuclear reactions
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FAQ: Which Mattress Offers Better Protection Against Radioactive Pea: Lead or Cotton?

What is radiation safety problem?

Radiation safety problem refers to the issue of exposure to harmful levels of radiation that can lead to various health problems. This can be caused by natural sources such as the sun or man-made sources such as X-rays and nuclear power plants.

How does radiation affect the human body?

Radiation can damage cells and tissues in the human body, leading to a range of health problems. Depending on the level of exposure, it can cause skin burns, radiation sickness, and even increase the risk of developing cancer.

What are the safety measures for radiation exposure?

There are several safety measures that can be taken to minimize the risk of radiation exposure. These include using protective gear such as lead aprons and shields, maintaining a safe distance from radiation sources, and following proper decontamination procedures.

How is radiation safety regulated?

Radiation safety is regulated by various organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the United States. These organizations set standards and guidelines for radiation safety and monitor compliance.

What should I do if I am exposed to radiation?

If you are exposed to radiation, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. The doctor will assess the level of exposure and provide appropriate treatment. It is also important to inform your employer or supervisor if the exposure occurred at work.

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