Why Does Closing My Door Increase the Breeze in My Room?

  • #1
Hi, I have a question about air flow. My room is located on the corner-end of my building, on the 7th floor. I have two windows, each one facing a different side of the building, and one of the windows typically produces the breeze, and the other never does.

When the door to my room is closed, there is typically less of a breeze. When the door is open, the breeze picks up a little. This is all fine and good, but here's where it gets interesting:

The closer the door is to being completely shut. the more the breeze intensifies. It's like the air outside is rushing through my room to get into the rest of my house before the door closes. I can feel the resistance the door exerts on me, and it gets stronger the closer the door is to being completely shut.

Whenever I feel too hot, I can summon a strong refreshing blast of wind by just pushing the door towards the doorframe till it's open just a crack. And here's the thing, if the door does shut completely, the wind stops immediately

Can someone please explain what exactly is going on?
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  • #2
Welcome to the PF.
blackmarch103 said:
The closer the door is to being completely shut. the more the breeze intensifies.
Do you feel this effect only when you are standing at the door? Or if you have a friend closing the door, does the breeze felt by you at the window also intensify?
  • #3
Have you measured the air flow, or do you just evaluate it by listening to the whistling? Same flow through a small opening will be much noisier (requires higher speed of air) than through a large opening, leaving you with the feeling flow changes - when it fact it can be exactly the same.
  • #4

Same volume of air trying to get through a smaller gap requires a faster air flow. Also causes a greater pressure drop through the door creating a force on the door.
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