[Wolfram Mathematica] Using Newton's method to solve non-linear system

In summary, the conversation is about solving a system of equations using Newton-Raphson's method. The speaker found a helpful Wolfram Demonstration online and wants to incorporate it into their own code. They are struggling to understand the code and how to implement the pure Newton's method. They are advised to replace the FindRoot command with their own code that uses Newton's method and to experiment with different arguments and methods. The difficulties of reverse engineering complicated algorithms and the lack of documentation for available arguments are also mentioned.
  • #1
Hi. This is not actually not part of the homework; but it's something I'd like to do.
I have to solve the following system using Newton-Raphson's method:

\frac{X}{\mu }+Y=1 \\
X=\left( \lambda -\left( K-1 \right)X \right)Y \\

Surfing the internet I found this precious Wolfram Demonstration:

which is an interactive plot where you can select the starting point and see how and where it converges.

So I took the code and put those functions of mine:

   sol = Prepend[
     Reap[FindRoot[f, {vars, start}\[Transpose], 
        StepMonitor :> Sow[vars]]][[2, 1]], start];
   Show[g1, g2, 
    Graphics[{PointSize[Medium], Point[sol], Thickness[Medium], 
      Line[sol], Style[Text[start, {-20, 20}, {-1, 1}], 12]}]]],
 {{start, {3.7, 5.7}}, Locator},
 SaveDefinitions -> True,
 SynchronousInitialization -> False,
 TrackedSymbols -> True,
 Initialization :> {
   f = {x + y - 1, x - y*(0.99 - 4*x) },
   vars = {x, y},
   root = vars /. FindRoot[f, {vars, {1, 1}}\[Transpose]],
   pp = {},
   Do[sol = vars /. FindRoot[f, {vars, {x0, y0}}\[Transpose]]; 
    If[Norm[sol - root] < 10^-7, pp = {pp, {x0, y0}}], {x0, -20, 
     20, .12}, {y0, -20, 20, .12}],
   g1 = ListPlot[Partition[Flatten[pp], 2], AspectRatio -> Automatic, 
     PlotStyle -> PointSize[Tiny], 
     PlotRange -> {{-20, 20}, {-20, 20}}, 
     Ticks -> {Range[-20, 20], Range[-20, 20]}, 
     ImageSize -> {480, 480}], 
   g2 = ContourPlot[
     Evaluate[Thread[f == 0]], {x, -20, 20}, {y, -20, 20}, 
     ContourStyle -> {{Thick, Green}, {Thick, Orange}}]}]

It uses the FindRoot command which is supposed to use Newton's method but it actually does not purely. I checked this because I wrote the method on Octave and the region of convergence is the following:


As you can see it's "solid" whereas in the Wolfram Demonstration you can see stripes so FindRoot clearly does not use Newton's method.

So now I want to replace that FindRoot command to match the existing code but using the pure Newton's method. I just don't know where to start because I barely understand that code.
So if someone is a pro in Wolfram I would really appreciate him/her !


  • convergencia[0,5]x[0,5] a 0.01.png
    convergencia[0,5]x[0,5] a 0.01.png
    3.2 KB · Views: 1,786
  • Convergencia1.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 404
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  • #2
I think what you want to replace is the

FindRoot[f, {vars, start}\[Transpose], StepMonitor :> Sow[vars]]

The StepMonitor:>Sow[vars] is going to put the result of each successive iteration "into the bag" and when finished Reap[][[2,1]] around this will extract the contents of the bag for Show to then display.

So if you replace all of that FindRoot[] with your code that uses Newton and puts successive {x,y} points into the bag with Sow[vars] then you should be close to what you want.

You could start with something that just uses a For[Sow[{x,y}],{x,1,3},{y,1,4}]] instead of the FindRoot[] to put points in the bag to verify this much of the process. Then you could replace that with more of your Newton.

There are two additional FindRoot[] down further in the code. It looks like those are being used for graphics showing either the beginning or the end of the iterative process. It doesn't look like those are absolutely critical to what you are trying to do. You might try gently commenting those out of the code and see how the graphics change.

The Demonstrations project often provide something that looks cute, but all the stuff they have to shovel into create the interactive graphical result almost always makes this very complicated and difficult to reverse engineer for even a slightly different purpose. This is very different from providing brilliantly simple examples to show how algorithms can be implemented and that you can easily see how to incorporate into what you need to do. But cute graphics are what many people seem to think they want to see.

Almost all the internal algorithms used for things like FindRoot[] are very complicated and not adequately documented for the user to be able to tell exactly how they work. Many of these supposedly take dozens or even hundreds of pages of code to implement. There isn't even documentation of the available arguments "somemethod" that can be used with Method->"somemethod" or even a rough description of what each somemethod might do, you have to guess from the name and do trial and error experimentation.

FAQ: [Wolfram Mathematica] Using Newton's method to solve non-linear system

What is Newton's method and how does it work?

Newton's method is an iterative algorithm used to find the roots of a function. It works by starting with an initial guess and then using the derivative of the function to improve the guess with each iteration until a desired level of accuracy is achieved.

Can Newton's method be used to solve any non-linear system?

No, Newton's method can only be used to solve non-linear systems that can be written as a set of equations. It is not suitable for solving non-linear systems with inequalities or systems that cannot be written as a set of equations.

How do I implement Newton's method in Mathematica?

To use Newton's method in Mathematica, you can use the built-in function FindRoot. This function takes in the system of equations, the initial guess, and the desired level of accuracy as parameters and returns the root of the system.

What are the advantages of using Newton's method over other methods for solving non-linear systems?

Newton's method is known for its fast convergence rate, meaning it can find the solution to a non-linear system in fewer iterations compared to other methods. It is also a versatile method that can be applied to a wide range of non-linear systems.

Are there any limitations or challenges when using Newton's method?

One limitation of Newton's method is that it may fail or converge to a wrong root if the initial guess is not close enough to the actual root. Additionally, it may be computationally expensive for large systems since it requires calculating the derivative of the function at each iteration.

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