Would quantum laws work in other hypothetical universes?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of other universes and whether the laws of physics would be the same in those universes. Leonard Susskind's theory suggests that the laws could be slightly different, but still based on the same principles as our universe. However, the idea of other universes is not scientifically proven and cannot be tested, making it unsuitable for discussion in a scientific forum.
  • #1
Not saying that there is another universe. But if there were, would the laws be the same?

I've heard Leonard Susskind explain that extraneous solutions of string theory could represent the environment in regions very far "away".

So is it just small things like the physical constants being adjusted? Surely the laws cannot be different. For example, string theory depends on QFT which depends on QM. So it would be contractdictory to say that the laws are different in another universe using the very same principles that already exist in our universe.

I mean, sure the quantum laws might behave slightly differently, but the idea of quantum law would still have to exist there, since we indirectly depended on QM to even posit other universes.
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  • #2
FallenApple said:
I mean, sure the quantum laws might behave slightly differently, but the idea of quantum law would still have to exist there, since we indirectly depended on QM to even posit other universes.
One can posit other universes without ever invoking QM. But, being other universes, they would be inaccessible to experiment from ours and not proper subject matter for discussion in these forums.
  • #3
jbriggs444 said:
One can posit other universes without ever invoking QM. But, being other universes, they would be inaccessible to experiment from ours and not proper subject matter for discussion in these forums.

What I mean by other universes are the ones that are posited based on scientific theory, but that are not observable. Not just random inventions from the mind like fiction.

Superstrings are not observable and hence haven't been proven to exist, but physicists still talk about them.
  • #4
FallenApple said:
but that are not observable.
Anything that is not observable by definition is not part of a scientific theory and therefore not an appropriate fit for a science forum.

Thread closed.

FAQ: Would quantum laws work in other hypothetical universes?

1. Would quantum laws be the same in other hypothetical universes?

The answer to this question is still unknown. The laws of quantum mechanics are based on observations and experiments in our own universe, so it is difficult to say if they would be exactly the same in other hypothetical universes. However, many scientists believe that the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, would still hold true in other universes.

2. Could there be different types of quantum mechanics in other universes?

It is certainly possible that other universes could have different types of quantum mechanics. There are many different interpretations of quantum mechanics, and it is possible that other universes could have their own unique interpretations or variations of these laws.

3. Are there any theories or evidence to support the idea of quantum laws in other universes?

Currently, there is no direct evidence or conclusive theories that support the existence of quantum laws in other universes. However, some theories, such as the multiverse theory, suggest the possibility of parallel universes with their own set of physical laws, including quantum mechanics.

4. Would the existence of other universes affect our understanding of quantum mechanics?

If there are indeed other universes with their own set of quantum laws, it could greatly impact our understanding of quantum mechanics. It could lead to new discoveries and insights into the behavior of particles and energy at a quantum level, and potentially challenge some of our current theories and interpretations.

5. Can we ever know for sure if quantum laws exist in other universes?

It is unlikely that we will ever have concrete proof of the existence of other universes, let alone their physical laws. However, advancements in technology and theoretical physics may one day allow us to gather more evidence and potentially even observe other universes, giving us a better understanding of the possibility of quantum laws in other universes.
