Recent content by Kurret

  1. K

    A Longitudinal and transverse response function

    I was reading the book "finite temperature field theory" ( and encountered a problem on page 111 about linear response theory. Consider a system with some conserved baryon matter perturbed by a source J_\mu, coupled to the baryon current...
  2. K

    A Deriving the Kubo Formula for Viscosity in Thermal Relativistic QFT

    Actually the paper I referred to just applies the Kubo formula in an AdS/CFT context, but they don't derive it (it just happened to be the place where I saw it). I am interested in a derivation of this formula indeed using standard linear response theory (nothing to do with AdS/CFT). Thanks for...
  3. K

    A Deriving the Kubo Formula for Viscosity in Thermal Relativistic QFT

    I am looking for a derivation of the following formula $$ \eta=\lim_{\omega\rightarrow0} \frac{1}{2\omega}\int dt dx\langle[T_{xy}(t,x),T_{xy}(0,0)]\rangle, $$ where $T_{xy}$ is a component of the stress-energy tensor. This is claimed in for instance
  4. K

    A Primaries, descendents and transformation properties in CFT

    I want to clarify the relations between a few different sets of operators in a conformal field theory, namely primaries, descendants and operators that transform with an overall Jacobian factor under a conformal transformation. So let us consider the the following four sets of...
  5. K

    B Light Bending on Single Point: What Happens?

    If you send a light ray straight through a star then of course (by rotational symmetry) it can not bend in any direction. The wavelength of the light will of course be affected by the gravitational field but the direction will not.
  6. K

    Career decision: 100% one field, or 50-50 two fields? that is sort of part of the problem. I guess it is not very likely that there are these positions after all, but that is also part of my question if it is possible at all. Edit: But I do know that there are people that have for example successfully conducted research in both string...
  7. K

    Career decision: 100% one field, or 50-50 two fields?

    I am currently doing a PhD in theoretical physics (let's for simplicity say gravity and black holes). However, I have also in my free time been working a bit in a more applied field (let's say cold atom physics), and have been reasonably successful (in the sense that I have some publications...
  8. K

    What theories in solid state should every physicist know?

    Thanks for your replies. If you know any specific reading material, don't hesitate to post them :).
  9. K

    What theories in solid state should every physicist know?

    [Moderator's Note: Changed level of thread to "Advanced" based on the topics being asked about, all are graduate level topics.] I feel that I have an inadequate understanding of many important concepts in condensed matter physics, so I want to try to learn at least the most basic parts. So what...
  10. K

    Exact solutions for potential V=(|x|-a)^2

    I heard that this potential is exactly solvable (ie one can find the eigenstates of the quantum mechanical problem exactly). However, I can not find a reference. I heard it is in Merzbacher, but I can not find it. Is it correct that this is exactly solvable? Can someone provide a good reference?
  11. K

    Normal Vector for Null Surfaces: How to Define and Fix it Completely?

    I am trying to use the Israel junction conditions for a null surface, but I am running into complications with defining a normal vector for a null surface. As I understand it the normal vector is defined to be perpendicular to the surfaces tangent vectors n\cdot e_i=0, as well as satisfying...
  12. K

    Scattering amplitude, link between quantum mechanics and QFT

    In quantum mechanics, we can define the scattering amplitude f_k(\theta) for two particles as the coefficients of an outgoing spherical wave. More precisely, the asymptotic behaviour (when r\rightarrow\infty) of a wave function of two scattering particles, interacting with some short range...
  13. K

    Is sl(3,R) a subalgebra of sp(4,R)?

    As I understand it, the symplectic Lie group Sp(2n,R) of 2n×2n symplectic matrices is generated by the matrices in . Does this mean that sl(n,R) is a subalgebra of the corresponding lie algebra, since in that formula we can...
  14. K

    How to rigorously motivate the following formula

    The additional sum is the only difference. Just substitute the equation just before to get rid of the inner three dimensional integral. I am not making this up, I have seen this divergent integral popping up several times without any comments about the obvious fact that it is wrong...