$50 dollars to spend on textbooks for Physics (soft covers are okay)

In summary: I think I may go with the Goldstein, I may also consider Marion...? I cannot remember but I believe it was another mechanics book that is used more frequently in undergraduate courses.In summary, the conversation revolves around the speaker's search for physics textbooks to purchase. They mention various options, including Griffith's Quantum Mechanics, Ryder's QFT, and Goldstein & Poole's Classical Mechanics. The speaker also seeks recommendations for books on general relativity and mentions using Abebooks and Alibris for purchasing used books. The conversation also briefly touches on the speaker's plans to study independently and their thoughts on different textbooks.
  • #1
So I have the following:
Halliday & Resnick
Griffith's Quantum Mechanics
Ryder's QFT (I have a reason for getting this over Schroeder or the Zee book)
Access to most of my friend's books (everything from Hewitt's Conceptual Physics to MTW's Gravitation) but I want my own copies for a number of reasons

Things I'm considering getting:
Griffith's Electrodynamics
Griffith's Particle book
Goldstein & Poole Classical Mechanics
Shankar's Quantum Mechanics
Jackson's Electrodynamics
Penrose Road to Reality*** not super serious but I've heard it's great.

Everything above I've read through the opening chapters of and fortunately none of them really scare me as much as I thought they would (well the Jackson book...) I would put books like Gravitation on the list but I cannot find it in paperback or used for less than $50 =|

I'm looking to get something that will be useful to me in the long term that I can get used or paperback/international for $50. I know that several of these books can be purchased for that much in those manners but I am unsure what I should get.

Any recommendations? The limit in spending is because it is coming as a gift.
Math texts would probably be good too
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's still a lot to like about Ryder's QFT book.

MTW is somewhat impractical for self study, and there have been a zillion GR books written in the intervening 40 years. For a GR book, I see some used copies of Ohanian for $20 on Amazon. The emphasis is much more "physical" and much less geometrical. Or wait for a cheaper copy of Hartle, which I think is now the best introductory text. But Schutz is still good, and Ryder has weighed in with a text.

Don't forget the http://store.doverpublications.com/by-subject-science-and-mathematics-physics.html.

You could probably pick up cheaper older editions of Goldstein and Jackson. For mechanics, I like the conciseness of Landau & Lifschitz. But be careful, the Elsevier printings had a problem with unreadable fine print. BTW, I think Abebooks or Alibris are better than Amazon for getting exactly the the right edition and condition you want for used books.
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  • #3
Daverz said:
There's still a lot to like about Ryder's QFT book.

MTW is somewhat impractical for self study, and there have been a zillion GR books written in the intervening 40 years. For a GR book, I see some used copies of Ohanian for $20 on Amazon. The emphasis is much more "physical" and much less geometrical. Or wait for a cheaper copy of Hartle, which I think is now the best introductory text. But Schutz is still good, and Ryder has weighed in with a text.

Don't forget the http://store.doverpublications.com/by-subject-science-and-mathematics-physics.html.

You could probably pick up cheaper older editions of Goldstein and Jackson. For mechanics, I like the conciseness of Landau & Lifschitz. But be careful, the Elsevier printings had a problem with unreadable fine print. BTW, I think Abebooks or Alibris are better than Amazon for getting exactly the the right edition and condition you want for used books.

I have yet to begin my Ryder text but this fall I'll be taking an independent study from it ^^; Will Griffith's text be enough preparation? I feel like I'm going to die even though I've heard it's slightly gentler as a text. What do you like about it?

I don't plan on self studying MTW XDDD I'll wait until I'm through with the math required haha but I do plan on needing it is all.

I use Abebooks and Alirbis as often as I look for textbooks (which is oddly quite often lately) I agree that they are both good sites as well. Do you have any issues with their international edition books?

I think I may go with the Goldstein, I may also consider Marion...? I cannot remember but I believe it was another mechanics book that is used more frequently in undergraduate courses.

Thanks a lot for your links to other books, I'll be sure to look into them soon!
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  • #4
Elwin.Martin said:
I have yet to begin my Ryder text but this fall I'll be taking an independent study from it ^^; Will Griffith's text be enough preparation? I feel like I'm going to die even though I've heard it's slightly gentler as a text.

I don't know Griffith's text, but I assume that, being a particle physics book, it deals more with phenomenology. I would recommend https://www.amazon.com/dp/0750308648/?tag=pfamazon01-20 for a gentler introduction to QFT.

What do you like about it?

He writes very clearly. That doesn't mean you'll understand everything, though.

I don't plan on self studying MTW XDDD I'll wait until I'm through with the math required haha but I do plan on needing it is all.

I can understand why you feel you might want such a classic text, but it's not where I'd start with GR.

I use Abebooks and Alirbis as often as I look for textbooks (which is oddly quite often lately) I agree that they are both good sites as well. Do you have any issues with their international edition books?

I've been afraid to take a chance on them. Mainly I worry about the quality of the paper, printing, and binding. Maybe they're not so bad.
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  • #5

I am impressed by your selection of textbooks and your reasoning behind each one. It is clear that you have a strong passion for physics and a desire to continue learning and expanding your knowledge in the field.

In terms of recommendations, I would suggest prioritizing textbooks that cover topics you are currently studying or will be studying in the near future. This will ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the material and can refer back to the books as needed.

I also suggest considering the format of the textbooks. Soft covers may be more affordable, but hardcover books tend to be more durable and can last longer. You may also want to consider e-books or online resources, which can be more cost-effective and convenient.

In addition to the textbooks you have listed, I recommend considering textbooks on mathematical methods for physics, such as Boas' Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences or Arfken and Weber's Mathematical Methods for Physicists. These can be valuable resources for understanding the mathematical foundations of physics.

Lastly, I encourage you to take advantage of your access to your friends' books and borrow them as needed. This can save you money and allow you to explore different perspectives on the same topics.

Overall, it seems like you have put a lot of thought into your textbook choices and I am confident that you will make the best decision for your learning and future career in physics. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ: $50 dollars to spend on textbooks for Physics (soft covers are okay)

1. How many textbooks can I buy with $50?

It depends on the price of each textbook. Some textbooks can cost as low as $10, while others can cost up to $50 or more. You may be able to purchase 2-5 textbooks with $50, depending on the prices of the textbooks you need.

2. Can I buy new textbooks with $50 or do I have to buy used ones?

You may be able to buy new textbooks with $50, but it will likely limit the number of textbooks you can purchase. It may be more cost-effective to buy used textbooks, which are often cheaper than new ones.

3. Where can I find affordable physics textbooks?

There are several options for finding affordable physics textbooks. You can check online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay, used bookstores, or even your school's bookstore. You can also consider renting or borrowing textbooks from friends or classmates.

4. Are softcover textbooks okay for my physics class?

Yes, softcover textbooks are perfectly acceptable for a physics class. They may be more affordable than hardcover textbooks, but may not last as long. However, as long as the content is the same, it should not make a difference in your learning.

5. How can I save money on textbooks for my physics class?

There are a few ways to save money on textbooks for your physics class. You can try to find used textbooks, rent textbooks, or buy digital versions of the textbooks. You can also try to share textbooks with classmates or look for older editions of the textbooks, which may be cheaper. It's also a good idea to compare prices from different sources before making a purchase.

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