Altarelli & Meloni's GUT-minimalism

  • Thread starter mitchell porter
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In summary, the conversation discusses a non supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Model that is compatible with all known physics below the unification scale, including coupling unification, a Yukawa sector consistent with data on quark and lepton masses, and an axion to solve the strong CP problem and account for dark matter. This model incorporates GUT successes and can be expanded to include an inflaton and cosmological constant for a complete theory of everything. The conversation also mentions a possible connection between the group structure and compact manifolds.
  • #1
mitchell porter
Gold Member
A non Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Model for All the Physics below $M_{GUT}$
Guido Altarelli, Davide Meloni
(Submitted on 5 May 2013)
We present a renormalizable non supersymmetric Grand Unified SO(10) model which, at the price of a large fine tuning, is compatible with all compelling phenomenological requirements below the unification scale and thus realizes a minimal extension of the SM, unified in SO(10) and describing all known physics below $M_{GUT}$. These requirements include coupling unification at a large enough scale to be compatible with the bounds on proton decay; a Yukawa sector in agreement with all the data on quark and lepton masses and mixings and with leptogenesis as the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe; an axion arising from the Higgs sector of the model, suitable to solve the strong CP problem and to account for the observed amount of Dark Matter. The above constraints imposed by the data are very stringent and single out a particular breaking chain with the Pati-Salam group at an intermediate scale $M_I\sim10^{11}$ GeV.

For those interested in "minimalism", this is an interesting construction because it incorporates GUT successes that aren't part of the nuMSM.

To turn this into a true "phenomenological theory of everything", you also need to add an inflaton (singlet under SO(10), I guess) and e.g. a cosmological constant for the dark energy.
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  • #2
Baez and Huerta did a good job explaining the breaking via a square with sides

SO(10)---> PatiSalam,
PatiSalam---> StandardModel
SU(5)---> StandardModel

It is amusing that there is a counterpart of the square with manifolds, looking the groups as isometries on compact manifolds, with the relabeling

SO(10) ==== sphere S9
SU(5) ===== CP4
P-S ===== S3 x S5
SM ==== Witten's 7 dim manifolds.

Because of this, a naive, unfulfilled expectation of the string approach had been to produce SM from M-Theory, PatiSalam (and/or SU(5)) from F-Theory and SO(10) from S-theory.
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FAQ: Altarelli & Meloni's GUT-minimalism

What is Altarelli & Meloni's GUT-minimalism?

Altarelli & Meloni's GUT-minimalism is a theory in particle physics that attempts to unify the fundamental forces of nature - electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear - into a single theory. It is based on the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) concept, but with a minimal number of additional particles.

How does GUT-minimalism differ from other GUT theories?

GUT-minimalism differs from other GUT theories in that it only requires the addition of a single new particle - the leptoquark - to unify the forces, whereas other theories require multiple new particles. This makes GUT-minimalism more elegant and simpler.

What evidence supports GUT-minimalism?

One of the key pieces of evidence supporting GUT-minimalism is the unification of the coupling constants of the three fundamental forces at high energy levels. This is known as the running of the coupling constants and is predicted by GUT-minimalism. Additionally, the prediction of the existence of a leptoquark has also been supported by experimental data.

What are the implications of GUT-minimalism?

If GUT-minimalism is correct, it would provide a more complete understanding of the fundamental forces of nature and could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in our understanding of the universe. It could also shed light on the mystery of dark matter, as some GUT-minimalism models predict the existence of a stable dark matter particle.

Has GUT-minimalism been proven?

No, GUT-minimalism has not been proven yet. While there is evidence that supports this theory, it is still a hypothesis and requires further testing and experimentation. Scientists are continuously working to gather more data and refine the theory in order to potentially prove its validity.

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