Seeking the Standard Model in E8 plus Supersymmetry

In summary, this paper suggests that the three families of quarks and leptons may be unified, together with the Higgs and gauge fields of the Standard Model (SM), into a single "particle", namely the 248 vector superfield of a ten-dimensional E8 super Yang Mills (SYM) theory. Towards a realistic model along these lines, a class of orbifoldings based on T6/(ZN×ZM) are proposed and explored, that can in principle break E8 SYM down to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), embedded in a larger group such as E6, SO(10) or SU(5), together with other gauge group factors which can be broken
  • #1
mitchell porter
Gold Member
This is just a quick alert regarding a paper today
Exceptional Unification of Families and Forces
Alfredo Aranda, Francisco J. de Anda, Stephen F. King
[Submitted on 6 May 2020]
This work considers the remarkable suggestion that the three families of quarks and leptons may be unified, together with the Higgs and gauge fields of the Standard Model (SM), into a single "particle", namely the 248 vector superfield of a ten-dimensional E8 super Yang Mills (SYM) theory. Towards a realistic model along these lines, a class of orbifoldings based on T6/(ZN×ZM) are proposed and explored, that can in principle break E8 SYM down to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), embedded in a larger group such as E6, SO(10) or SU(5), together with other gauge group factors which can be broken by Wilson lines. A realistic model based on T6/(Z6×Z4) is presented. The orbifold breaks E8 SYM down to a Pati-Salam gauge group in 4d, together with other gauge groups, which are further broken to the SM by Wilson lines in the flavon and right-handed sneutrino directions, yielding proto-realistic fermion mass matrices, and experimental signals associated with a low Pati-Salam gauge group breaking scale.

In grand unification, one usually only considers E6 but not E7 or E8, because the latter groups only have real representations, which leads to problems in obtaining the chiral fermions of the real world. String theory unification often starts e.g. from E8xE8, but there are stringy methods which allow one to obtain complex representations of the E6 in one of the E8s after all.

However, there is a neat way to single out Standard-Model-like particles from within the N=1 supersymmetric E8 multiplet, and so model builders are occasionally tempted to seek ways around the chiral problem, e.g. Stephen Adler's attempt.

In the current paper, the novelty is to use higher dimensions. Not a string theory, but a higher-dimensional N=1 E8 field theory that is then compactified and orbifolded.

For purposes of comparison, I would also call attention to Lubos Motl's reflections on whether the idea of breaking E8 into E6 times a flavor SU(3), could be realized within string theory after all.
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  • #2
The fact that you need the MSSM as a bridge to get there takes quite a bit of the shine off the finding IMHO.
  • #5
fixed. Thanks

FAQ: Seeking the Standard Model in E8 plus Supersymmetry

What is the Standard Model in physics?

The Standard Model is a theoretical framework that describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe, excluding gravity. It includes three of the four known fundamental forces: electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, and it categorizes all known elementary particles, such as quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons, as well as the Higgs boson, which is responsible for giving mass to other particles.

What is E8 and how does it relate to the Standard Model?

E8 is a complex, 248-dimensional Lie group that is of significant interest in theoretical physics due to its highly symmetrical structure. It is proposed as a unifying framework that could potentially encompass the Standard Model and beyond, including gravity. Researchers explore E8 to find a more comprehensive theory that integrates all fundamental forces and particles in a single mathematical structure.

What is supersymmetry and why is it important?

Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a theoretical extension of the Standard Model that posits a symmetry between fermions (matter particles) and bosons (force-carrying particles). It predicts the existence of superpartners for each particle in the Standard Model. Supersymmetry is important because it could solve several outstanding problems in particle physics, such as the hierarchy problem, and provide candidates for dark matter.

How does the combination of E8 and supersymmetry help in unifying forces?

The combination of E8 and supersymmetry aims to create a more elegant and unified theory of fundamental interactions. By using the rich structure of E8, theorists can potentially incorporate all known particles and forces, including gravity, into a single framework. Supersymmetry enhances this by providing additional particles and symmetries that could help resolve inconsistencies in the Standard Model and lead to a more complete understanding of the universe.

What are the implications of finding a theory based on E8 and supersymmetry?

If a successful theory based on E8 and supersymmetry is developed and validated, it could revolutionize our understanding of fundamental physics. It would provide a more unified description of the forces and particles, possibly leading to new predictions about the nature of dark matter, the early universe, and the behavior of particles at high energies. Additionally, it could guide experimental searches in particle accelerators and astrophysical observations.

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