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Are the stars that we see in constellations within the Milky Way galaxy? Should I assume that they are close and within the Milky Way?
Great majority of time. The brightest long term stars in Magellanic clouds are around magnitude +9, which is too dim to see. SN1987A was an easy naked eye object at +2,7, and it is a star, but these are not frequent.Ibix said:Yes, as far as I'm aware. There are naked-eye visible extra-galactic objects (the Magellanic clouds, Andromeda galaxy), but individual stars are too dim.
Yes. You actually CAN see galaxies (well, Andromeda, at least) outside of the milky way (with the naked eye) but not individual stars.FactChecker said:Are the stars that we see in constellations within the Milky Way galaxy? Should I assume that they are close and within the Milky Way?
Thanks all. It sounds like it is a question of identifying the individual points of a constellation to determine if they are stars or galaxies. The stars will be within the Milky Way.phinds said:Yes. You actually CAN see galaxies (well, Andromeda, at least) outside of the milky way (with the naked eye) but not individual stars.
There are more options.FactChecker said:Thanks all. It sounds like it is a question of identifying the individual points of a constellation to determine if they are stars or galaxies. The stars will be within the Milky Way.
There are no galaxies that are included in the connect-the-points outlines of constellations. There may be others, but the only non-stellar object of which I can think that is included in a connect-the-points outline is the star-forming region M42 (Great Nebula; in our neck of the woods), which is part of Orion's sword.FactChecker said:Thanks all. It sounds like it is a question of identifying the individual points of a constellation to determine if they are stars or galaxies. The stars will be within the Milky Way.
FactChecker said:Are the stars that we see in constellations within the Milky Way galaxy? Should I assume that they are close and within the Milky Way?
Another list, 92 brightest stars:collinsmark said:Short answers: Yes and yes.
If, with the naked eye, you're looking at something [bright] in the night sky, and it looks like a "star" (i.e., a pinpoint of light), you can bet it's in the Milky Way galaxy and it's relatively close. While thousands of light-years away is possible, hundreds is more likely. Less than that is certainly possible too.
[With mouseover: " 'The light from those millions of stars you see is probably many thousands of years old' is a rare example of laypeople substantially OVERestimating astronomical numbers."]
(Comic source: https://xkcd.com/1342/)
Here's a list of the 300 brightest stars, as seen from Earth (not sure if this list is still up to date, as stars vary in brightness somewhat, but it should suffice as a rough guide). Note the distances in the right-most column.
Thanks! That reference also has a link to this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_brightest_natural_objects_in_the_sky), which helps me to sort out what I can easily see, which are stars, which are galaxies, and what constellation they are in.snorkack said:Another list, 92 brightest stars:
It has the advantage of being sortable, which the atlasoftheuniverse list is not.
Out of the 92 brightest stars, I count 7 that are over 1000 ly away, the furthest is 2600 (and 2 more at 2000. Note that large distances tend to be less precise). 32 are less than 100 ly away.
Kind of weird how the stars on that list fit a Bell curve almost exactly.collinsmark said:...
Here's a list of the 300 brightest stars, as seen from Earth (not sure if this list is still up to date, as stars vary in brightness somewhat, but it should suffice as a rough guide). Note the distances in the right-most column.
Astronomers have discovered more than 200 distant variable stars known as RR Lyrae stars in the Milky Way's stellar halo. The most distant of these stars is more than a million light years from Earth, almost half the distance to our neighboring galaxy, Andromeda, which is about 2.5 million light years away.
The characteristic pulsations and brightness of RR Lyrae stars make them excellent "standard candles" for measuring galactic distances. These new observations have allowed the researchers to trace the outer limits of the Milky Way's halo.
"This study is redefining what constitutes the outer limits of our galaxy," said Raja GuhaThakurta, professor and chair of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz. "Our galaxy and Andromeda are both so big, there's hardly any space between the two galaxies."
Yuting Feng, a doctoral student working with GuhaThakurta at UCSC, led the new study and is presenting their findings in two talks at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle on January 9 and 11.
According to Feng, previous modeling studies had calculated that the stellar halo should extend out to around 300 kiloparsecs or 1 million light years from the galactic center. (Astronomers measure galactic distances in kiloparsecs; one kiloparsec is equal to 3,260 light years.) The 208 RR Lyrae stars detected by Feng and his colleagues ranged in distance from about 20 to 320 kiloparsecs.
Is the underlying issue here that "which galaxy does this star belong to" is a classification problem, not a physics problem? So for edge cases like stars half way-ish between here and Andromeda it depends what (somewhat arbitrary) classification rule you apply and stuff like whether you ever count clusters as separate from a galaxy, etcetera, etcetera, while there's a stable answer for stars in our night sky under any even vaguely sensible rule.Vanadium 50 said:RR Lyrae's are commonly found in globular clusters. So saying what galaxy they are from doesn't quite tell the story.
Lots of things are like this. What is a merger and what is merely mass transfer?Ibix said:a classification problem, not a physics problem
Is BL Lacertae a galaxy, or a black hole?Vanadium 50 said:There is also an entire galaxy misidentified as a star, BL Lacertae,
That distinction makes no sense. It's an active galaxy, and like many galaxies has a central black hole.snorkack said:Is BL Lacertae a galaxy, or a black hole?
I see your point.Vanadium 50 said:Honestly, I think this is a meaningless distinction you are trying to draw. The entire galaxy covers an angular extent comparable to a large star so there is little point in quibbling about parts of the galaxy.
The biggest stars are R Doradus and Betelgeuse, around 5 centiseconds across. Which means about 1 in 4 millions. At the 280 Mpc distance of BL Lac, this makes around 70 pc. Is the galaxy really that small?Vanadium 50 said:Honestly, I think this is a meaningless distinction you are trying to draw. The entire galaxy covers an angular extent comparable to a large star so there is little point in quibbling about parts of the galaxy.
This is a very surprising discovery, in fact I tend to think it must be a coincidence, though one hesitates to assume a lovely Gaussian is a coincidence! Generally you get a Gaussian when you mix enough independent parameters that go into how bright something looks (central limit theorem), but it's not obvious that enough independent things are being mixed. It seems like it is basically three-- the stellar luminosity, distance, and dust absorption per LY along the way. Each of those have their own distribution, but only dust absorption per LY would be likely to be distributed like a Gaussian, and it should not really matter for the closer stars.OmCheeto said:Kind of weird how the stars on that list fit a Bell curve almost exactly.
Perhaps I'll turn that into a homework problem, as to why that is.
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I wonder if this is how Planck got started developing his curve, sitting at home solving peculiar math problems.
I'm guessing the left side goes up like that because of increasing logarithmic volumes and the right side goes down because of the inverse square law.
Along with some distribution of star brightnesses thrown in to spice it up.
It is actually a point which addresses the OP: Orion´s Sword is a part of a major constellation outline the way 47 Tucanae clearly is not, and ω Centauri... is it? Yet what is θ Centauri? A star, or a star cluster? Identifying it as either is dubious.Vanadium 50 said:This is quibbling, nad IMO unhelpful to the OP.
It's not much more than one hundred years ago that people thought that the so called Milky Way Galaxy was, in fact 'THE Galaxy'. The Andromeda Galaxy was thought to be just another Nebula (the Andromeda Nebula). It was only when the distances were measured // calculated that we discovered objects (galaxies) way outside our galaxy. Hubble's and other's work established that the distances in the universe are billions of light years; much greater than the diameter of the MW.phinds said:You actually CAN see galaxies (well, Andromeda, at least)
Certainly the SN1987A progenitor was. Along with 1271 just like it in the same survey, Or maybe I should say 1271 remaining.BWV said:very few, if any, stars outside our galaxy cataloged by astronomers
Dim stars don't need to be rare (they aren't really) to see the rise at low ##d## (why isn't this showing up as LaTeX?), they only have to not be way more common than the Sun (which indeed they aren't). For ##d## small enough that dust extinction is little issue (which does seem to be the case here), the distribution ##dN/dln(d)## with apparent brightness above some limit (in this case the limit determined by the list of brightest stars) is proportional to ##d^3 f(d^2)##, where ##f(L)## is the relative number of stars with intrinsic luminosity above ##L##, and ##d## is measured in units appropriate to the chosen brightness cutoff that defines the list. So as long as ##f## does not rise toward smaller ##L## faster than ##L^{-3/2}##, we will see a rising distribution at low ##d## due to the volume effect. (And if ##f(L)## did rise faster than that, the night sky would be chalk full of dim objects, which is your point, but that's why it doesn't require they be rare, just not super common-- for example, you'd need some 30 times the density of stars 1/10 the luminosity of the Sun to have this problem).Vanadium 50 said:As far as the bell-like distribution, well, the shape needs to be generally "belly". At one end you need very bright stars to see them, and they are rare, and at the other end you need dim stars to be very close and they are rare too.
I believe the x axis is ln(distance), so the only place brightness comes into play is in the cutoff minimum apparent brightness that goes into the set of stars, which can be measured in any unit without consequence to the shape of the curve.Vanadium 50 said:The x-axis is in magnitudes as opposed to something more reasonable like Janskies.
That's what I meant about the fact that there are really only 3 statistically well-quantified points, and the other 3 should have significant uncertainties so it's pretty coincidental they fit perfectly to any smooth curve, let alone a nice symmetric Gaussian. I suspect that a more complete distribution (say if it included the 10,000 brightest stars) would not be Gaussian, because the rise seems to be due to an ##f(L)## function that is less steep than ##L^{-3/2}## due to red giants, and the turnover is due to the fact that we live in a region where there has not been a lot of recent star formation, so that should not even make a symmetric curve, let alone Gaussian. So it's really a remarkable coincidence that the curve looks so perfect, given the statistics.Vanadium 50 said:Also, a normal distribution has 3 parameters and we only have 6 significant points. So I don't think this is surprising. More an "oh" than a "holy smokes!"
That depends on the magnitude threshold your eye and sky allow.Vanadium 50 said:At one end you need very bright stars to see them, and they are rare, and at the other end you need dim stars to be very close and they are rare too. (Trivia question: how many stars are visible to the naked eye and are dimmer than the sun?)
I think it's just a happy coincidence.Ken G said:So it's really a remarkable coincidence that the curve looks so perfect, given the statistics.