Are you teaching yourself physics and maths?

You are...

  • teaching yourself physics and mathematics.

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • being taught physics and mathematics.

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I am curious how many humans on this forum are teaching themselves physics and mathematics. Thus, are you being taught or are you teaching yourself physics and mathematics?
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  • #2
I'm being taught and I teach myself mathematics.

I'll have to come back to the world of physics later on it my life.
  • #3
I just finished a college prep course. Until this fall, I'm studying on my own to build and strengthen my skills. I want to study physics and mathematics, and eventually chemistry. But circumstances suggest that programming might be a better career choice for me.

But wow! The more I get into these math and physics books, the more I love it. I never knew how beautiful and fascinating it all is. I've been dipping into Pickover's A Passion for Mathematics. That's the kind of book I wish I had back in high school.
  • #4
I'm being taught math, and I am teaching myself physics.
  • #5
I am taught mathematics in the sense that I take math classes and ask my instructors questions. However, most of the work comes from me sitting down reading the book and doing the exercises, so in a sense I teach myself mathematics (and the same can probably be said of most people).
  • #6
Well, I hope that I'm not so old, and so caught up with other aspects of life, that I've stopped teaching myself physics, math, and other stuff.

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