Axial Version of the Phi Meson

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  • Thread starter Elmo
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In summary, the axial version of the phi meson refers to a theoretical framework that extends the understanding of this particle by incorporating axial vector interactions. This version explores the properties and behaviors of the phi meson in the context of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and its interactions with other particles. The study of the axial phi meson helps enhance the comprehension of hadronic physics and the symmetries governing particle interactions, particularly in relation to the strong force.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Is there any information regarding the existence of an axial vector version of the phi meson ?
I only know of the Phi vector meson which is ##s\bar{s}## which has J=1, P=-. I am looking for its axial vector version (dont know by what name it should go) ie J=1, P=+.
More specifically I am looking for any data associated with it eg its LCDAs, decay constant, mass. I am not sure I can see such data in the PDG listings.
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  • #2
The φ is in a 3S1 state. It's partner is therefore in a 1S0 state, which is pseudoscalar. Not an axial vector.
  • #3
PS This is covered in the reference last time you asked a similar question. If you don't read it, how will you learn what is in it?
  • #4
Vanadium 50 said:
PS This is covered in the reference last time you asked a similar question. If you don't read it, how will you learn what is in it?
That thread is still closed "pending results of a misinformation investigation" about whether or not axial vector and pseudo scalar meson quark content are definitively known.
And I did go through the PDG lists back then but I really cant find any such information there regarding quark contents of the different mesons or their LCDA functions or decay constants.
Perhaps im not looking in the right place ?
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
The φ is in a 3S1 state. It's partner is therefore in a 1S0 state, which is pseudoscalar. Not an axial vector.
Could you explain this point a bit or give me a reading reference, preferably a textbook ?
Im not familiar with this system of classifying states that you speak of.
  • #6
See Section 8, "A Naming Scheme for Hadrons", particularly Table 8.1.

That's all the spoon-feeding I intend to do. If you have more questions, show me you have done your part.

FAQ: Axial Version of the Phi Meson

What is the axial version of the phi meson?

The axial version of the phi meson refers to a theoretical extension of the traditional phi meson, which is a vector meson primarily composed of strange quarks and antiquarks. The axial version would involve the study of its axial vector properties, which are related to the meson's behavior under parity transformations and its interactions with axial currents.

What role does the axial version of the phi meson play in particle physics?

The axial version of the phi meson is important in understanding the symmetries and interactions within quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory that describes the strong force. It can provide insights into the behavior of strange quarks and their contributions to the mass and decay processes of hadrons.

How is the axial version of the phi meson produced in experiments?

The axial version of the phi meson can be produced in high-energy particle collisions, such as those occurring in particle accelerators. These collisions can create conditions that allow for the formation of various mesons, including the axial phi meson, through the interactions of quarks and gluons.

What are the decay channels of the axial version of the phi meson?

The decay channels of the axial version of the phi meson would likely include decays into lighter mesons and baryons. The specific decay modes depend on its mass and quantum numbers, and studying these decay processes can provide valuable information about its properties and the underlying physics.

What experimental evidence supports the existence of the axial version of the phi meson?

As of now, the axial version of the phi meson is primarily a theoretical construct, and direct experimental evidence is still being sought. Researchers use indirect methods, such as analyzing decay patterns and resonance structures in high-energy collisions, to gather evidence that may support its existence and properties.
