Can Any Wave Be Expressed as a Complex Fourier Series?

In summary, Griffiths (chapter 9) states that any wave can be expressed as a linear combination of sinusoidal waves. If we know the spatial and temporal parts of a wave, we can factor them out to get the harmonic modes.
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Homework Statement


In Griffiths (chapter 9) he states that any wave can be expressed as a linear combination of sinusoidal waves,

f(z,t)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{A(k)e^{i(kz-\omega t)}dk} = e^{-i\omega t}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{A(k)e^{ikz}dk}

Is it correct to say that this in principle is a complex Fourier series?
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Actually, it's not the series; it's the Fourier transform. It's the same basic idea though.
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If its the transform and not the series, I don't see why Griffiths believes we can write *any* wave like that. I agree that if
f(z,t)=A(r)e^{-i\omega t}
then we can always write
f(z,t)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{A(k)e^{i(kz-\omega t)}dk}
But that is not the same as saying that we can express *any* wave like this.
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You could look at it this way. At t=0, for any wave, you can write [tex]f(z,0) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty A(k)e^{ikz}\,dk.[/tex] You're taking a snapshot of the wave at an instant in time and expressing it in terms of its spatial frequency components. Each component then propagates independently, so at time t, the kth component is given by [itex]A(k)e^{i(kz-\omega t)}[/itex]. Then by superposition, you simply sum over all the components to find the total wave, which gives you the expression Griffith's has.

Keep in mind that the waves satisfy the dispersion relation [itex]\omega=|k|v[/itex]. When you integrate over k, you're not simply varying k but [itex]\omega[/itex] as well.
  • #7
vela said:
You could look at it this way. At t=0, for any wave, you can write [tex]f(z,0) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty A(k)e^{ikz}\,dk.[/tex] You're taking a snapshot of the wave at an instant in time and expressing it in terms of its spatial frequency components. Each component then propagates independently, so at time t, the kth component is given by [itex]A(k)e^{i(kz-\omega t)}[/itex]. Then by superposition, you simply sum over all the components to find the total wave, which gives you the expression Griffith's has.

Keep in mind that the waves satisfy the dispersion relation [itex]\omega=|k|v[/itex]. When you integrate over k, you're not simply varying k but [itex]\omega[/itex] as well.

Thanks, that is a good explanation, but one thing remains unclear to me: Why can I always decompose a wave at some time t=0 as

f(z,0) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty{A(kt)e^{ikz}dk}

There is a final thing, and it is perhaps a little relevant to the above. If you know the answer, I would very much appreciate it: In a book I have, they state that:" If we assume that we are dealing with harmonic modes, then we can write

E(r,t)=E(r)e^{-i\omega t}

My question is why we can factor the spatial and temporal parts in this case?Niles.

FAQ: Can Any Wave Be Expressed as a Complex Fourier Series?

What is meant by a linear combination of waves?

A linear combination of waves is a mathematical operation where two or more waves are added together to create a new wave. This new wave is the sum of the individual waves and can have different properties depending on the amplitudes, wavelengths, and phases of the original waves.

How does a linear combination of waves differ from a single wave?

A single wave has a constant amplitude, wavelength, and phase, while a linear combination of waves can have varying amplitudes, wavelengths, and phases depending on the individual waves that make it up. This allows for a wider range of possible waveforms and behaviors.

What is the significance of linear combinations of waves in electromagnetic radiation?

In electromagnetic radiation, linear combinations of waves allow for the creation of complex waveforms that can carry information. This is important in technologies such as radio communication, where different combinations of waves are used to encode and decode signals.

Can linear combinations of waves cancel each other out?

Yes, it is possible for linear combinations of waves to cancel each other out. This is known as destructive interference, where the peaks of one wave align with the troughs of another wave, resulting in a net amplitude of zero. This phenomenon is important in noise-cancellation technology.

How are linear combinations of waves used in scientific research?

In scientific research, linear combinations of waves are used to study the properties of waves and their interactions. They are also used in fields such as optics and acoustics to create specific wave patterns for experiments and applications. Additionally, the principles of linear combinations of waves are used in mathematical models to understand and predict complex wave phenomena.
