Computing path integral with real and Grassmann variables

In summary, the conversation discusses the computation of the $Z[w]$ integral, where $w_i(x)$ is a function and $n$ is a constant. The conversation suggests using the determinants of the partial derivatives of $w_i(x)$ and provides different approaches to solving the integral, such as using partial integration and the fact that the determinant can be written as the exponential of the trace of the natural logarithm. However, it is mentioned that obtaining the exact value of the integral may not be possible and the purpose of solving it is unclear.
  • #1
Homework Statement
I want to compute the following path integral
$$Z[w] = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{n/2}}\int d^n x \: \prod_{i=1}^{n}d\overline{\theta}_id\theta \: \exp{\left(-\overline{\theta}_i \partial_j w_i(x)\theta_j -\frac{1}{2}w_i(x)w_i(x)\right)}.$$ Here $w_i(x)$ are functions of the $n$ real variables $x_i$ and $\theta_i$ and $\overline{\theta}_i$ are $n$ independent Grassmann variables.
Relevant Equations
See below.
The first step seems easy: computation of the $\theta$ and $\overline{\theta}$ integrals give
$$Z[w] = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{n/2}}\int d^n x \: \det(\partial_j w_i(x)) \exp{\left(-\frac{1}{2}w_i(x)w_i(x)\right)}.$$

From here, I tried using that $$\det(\partial_j w_i (x)) = \det\left(\partial_j w_i \left(\frac{d}{db}\right)\right) \exp\left(b_i x_i\right)\bigg\vert_{b=0}.$$ But I don't seem to be able to apply this step.

Other ideas I had included writing out the determinant as $$det(\partial_j w_i(x)) = \frac{1}{n!}\varepsilon_{i_1...i_n}\varepsilon_{j_1...j_n} \partial_{j_1} w_{i_1}(x) ... \partial_{j_n} w_{i_n}(x)$$ to then use some kind of partial integration.
Another, similar, idea was to use the fact that $$\det = \exp(\text{Tr} \ln) $$
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  • #2
Performing the ##x## integration exactly for ##Z[w]## could very well not be possible. You may very well not be able to obtain the exact value even if you were just considering this integral:

\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{n/2}} \int d^nx \exp \left( - \frac{1}{2} w_i (x) w_i (x) \right)

Could you clarify what it is you are aiming to achieve exactly? Do we know what the functions ##w_i (x)## are explicitly? Are you wanting to put the integral into some nice form rather than explicitly evaluating it? Could you show us the source of the question?
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