Mentor note: Moved from a technical math section, so missing the template.
TL;DR Summary: I'm trying to solve the differential equations (D^2
-4D + 3 )y = 2xexp(3x) + 3exp(x)Cos2x
On this page , I've solve particular integral by 2 ways, 1st is above the line in which ( see 7th equality from...
I am looking at ## \int \tan^n dx ## where ##n## is a positive integer. The index ##n## has been reduced by writing ##\tan^n x ## as ##\tan ^{n-2} \tan^2 x## which is quite clear with me.
We have,
## \int \tan^n xdx = \int \tan^{n-2} x⋅ \tan^2 x dx=\int \tan^{n-2}x ⋅(\sec^2 x -1) dx ##...
##\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{p^\infty})##, also written as ##\mathbb{Q}(\mu_{p^\infty})## or ##\mathbb{Q}(p^\infty)##, denotes ##\mathbb{Q}## adjoined with the ##p^{n}##th roots of unity for all ##n##. It's the union of a cylotomic tower, and it's studied in subjects like Iwosawa theory and class field...
Let ##(E,\mathcal A)## be a measurable space equipped with a measure ##\mu##. If ##f:E\to\mathbb R## is integrable, then we have ##\left|\int f\,\mathrm{d}\mu\right|\leq\int |f|\,\mathrm{d}\mu##. If ##f:E\to\mathbb C## is integrable, Le Gall in his book Measure Theory, Probability and Stochastic...
Just looking at the summand, I can see that the function is
ln(pi/4 + x^2)
as the (i pi/2n) term is the 'x' term.
How do I determine the limits of the integral, however? I was thinking about using the lower bound of the summation --> this given the (pi / 2n)^2 term, implying that nothing was...
I would like to evaluate expressions with Simpy, but unfortunately I am unable to get a simple answer, the one I would get by hand if I had the time to perform all the computations. As far as I understand, Mathematica does it and yields 4 times the Simpy result, which is a big worry since I wish...
Hi friends,
Can anyone offer some insight into this challenging integral?
I can't seem to think my way through this.
Thank you
$$ \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{x}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\log\left( x \right)-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^{2} \right)\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{ x...
I've got this integral I'm trying to find:
$$ \int \frac{d \theta}{ \sqrt{1 - \cos \theta}} $$
To me it smells like trig sub, so I investigate the right triangle:
Such that:
$$ \cos u = \sqrt{1-cos \theta} $$
we also have from the same triangle:
$$ \sin u = \sqrt{\cos \theta} $$
Hello frens,
How should one approach this sort of integral? Any tips would be appreciated.
Let's say we have
$$ \int_{(1)}^{(2)}\exp\left[ a+b\exp\left[ f(x) \right] \right]dx$$
...where the limits of integration are not important.
Any tips? Thanks!
When I take ##x = 2\cos(t)## and ##y = 2\sin(t)##, the integral becomes ##\int_{t=\frac{\pi}{2}}^0 4(2\cos(t))^2 \cdot 2 dt = -8\pi##. The final answer is ##8\pi##. Why is my method wrong?
I played around with desmos and the parameterisation seems correct...
I'm a little thrown off with material I'm going through right now. I already covered the whole "area under the curve" and using that to determine the volume of a given equation, but I'm confused now as to why calculating the surface area has a different method with ds?
For example, say there...
Dear everyone,
I have a question on how to show that an integral is divigent. Here is the setup:
Suppose that we have the following function ##\sigma(x)=\frac{1}{x^{2-\varepsilon}}## for an arbitrary fixed ##\varepsilon>0.##
i started to think to maybe do an integral to find the minimum area, and then I thought that the area itself is not sufficient because there is more material depending on the slope. so I thought to do an integral depending on the length instead of x.
First, we rewrite the term ##|\vec r-\vec r_q|## in the following way:
$$|\vec r-\vec r_q|= \sqrt{(\vec r-\vec r_q)^2} = \sqrt{\vec r^2 + \vec r_q^2 -2\vec r\cdot\vec r_q} = \sqrt{r^2 + r_q^2 -2rr_q\cos\theta}$$
Due to rotational symmetry, we go to spherical coordinates:
$$\phi_{e;\vec r_q} =...
Solving the integral is the easiest part. Using spherical coordinates:
$$ \oint_{s} \frac{1}{|\vec{r}-\vec{r'}|}da' = \int_{0}^{\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi} \frac{1}{|\vec{r}-\vec{r'}|}r_{0}^2 \hat r \sin{\theta}d\theta d\phi$$
$$I = \dfrac{1}{|\vec{r}-\vec{r'}|}r_{0}^2(1+1)(2\pi)\hat...
Howdy all,
Let's say we have, in general an expression:
$$ \int f(x) g(x) dx $$
But in through some machinations, we have, for parameter ##a##,
$$ \int f(x) g(x) dx = \int f(x) g(a) dx $$
...can we conclude that ## g(x) = g(a) ## ????
If i calculate the definite integral between the limits of L and 0 of sin(nπx/L)sin(kπx/L) using the trig formula 2sinAsinB = cos (A-B) - cos (A+B) it is undefined when n=k because (n-k) appears in the denominator. If i calculate the same integral with n=k using the formula
sin2(nπx/L) = (...
I'm trying to calculate the volume of a truncated hypersphere. As part of it I want this integral.
Clearly when x=1 the integrand is zero. But plugging this into the series give me a number greater than one. It is true that the series is not defined for x=1, but subtracting some tiny sum...
Hello everyone, hope you are all well. I have the following problem:
I have a temperatur-time graph. If you determine the integral of this graph, you get the unit [kelvin*second]. This unit is as far as I know meaningless.
Is it possible to mathematically "transform" the area under the curve...
I am looking for a closed form solution to an integral of the form:
$$ \int_0^\infty \frac{e^{-Du^2t}u \sin{ux}}{u^2+h^2} du $$
D, t, and h are positive and x is unrestricted.
I have tried everything, integration by parts, substitution, even complex integration with residue analysis. I've...
I have come up with a solution, however, I'm not sure whether I'm correct. A fellow student of mine has a different result. I'm gonna show my solution, and hopefully one of you can confirm my result or tell me what I did wrong.
p_z &= \int d^3x z \rho(\vec{x}) \notag \\
We use the invariance of the measure under ##p\rightarrow -p## to get $$-\int d^3p\xi^{rT}\mathbf{p}\mathbf{\sigma}\xi^s(a^{r\dagger}_{-p}a^s_{-p}+a^{s\dagger}_{-p}a^r_{-p}) = -\int d^3p\xi^{rT}\mathbf{p}\mathbf{\sigma}\xi^sA(-p).$$ If this pesky ##A(-p)## can be shown to be equal to ##A(p)## or...
The above theorem is trying to find the pdf of a transformed random variable, it attempts to do so by "first principles", starting by using the definition of cdf, I don't understand why they have a ##f_X(x)## in the integral wouldn't ##\int_{\{x:r(x)<y\}}r(X) dx## be the correct integral for the...
I was very surprised to read the following in Needham, Visual Complex Analysis:
"It is therefore doubly puzzling that the Trapezoidal formula is taught in every introductory calculus course, while it appears that the midpoint Riemann sum RM is seldom even mentioned."
I was surprised because I...
Hi, PF, here goes an easy integral, meant to be an example of integration by parts.
Use integration by parts to evaluate
##\int \sin^{-1}x \, dx##
Let ##U=\sin^{-1}x,\quad{dV=dx}##
Then ##dU=dx/\sqrt{1-x^2},\quad{V=x}##
##=x\sin^{-1}x-\int \frac{x}{\sqrt{1-x^2} \, dx}##
Let ##u=1-x^2##...
suppose you have a non-zero smooth vector field ##X## defined on a manifold (i.e. it does not vanish at any point on it).
Can its integral curves cross at any point ? Thanks.
Edit: I was thinking about the sphere where any smooth vector field must have at least one pole (i.e. at least a...
For ##x\in \mathbb{R}##, let $$A(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\, P.V. \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{i(xy + \frac{y^3}{3})}\, dy$$ Show that the integral defining ##A(x)## exists and ##|A(x)| \le M(1 + |x|)^{-1/4}## for some numerical constant ##M##.
Hi, PF
1-The elementary integral is ##\displaystyle\int{\displaystyle\frac{1}{a^2+x^2}dx}=\displaystyle\frac{1}{a}\tan^{-1}\displaystyle\frac{x}{a}+C##
2-The example is...
unfortunately I have several problems with the following task:
I have problems with the tasks a, d and e
Unfortunately, the Green function and solving differential equations with the Green function is completely new to me
In task b, I got the following for ##f_h(t)=e^{-at}##.Task a...
Please see this part of the article.
I need to obtain the ##\rho (\phi)## value after obtaining the c0 to c5 constants of the ##\sigma (\phi)##. But as you can see after finding the coefficients, solving Eq.(1) could be a demanding job(I wasn't able to calculate the integral of Eq(1)...
TL;DR Summary: How to find integrals of parent functions without any horizontal/vertical shift?
Say you were given the equation :
How would you find : with a calculator that can only add, subtract, multiply, divide
Is there a general formula?
I'm given the wavefunction
and I need to find the normalization constant A.
I believe that means to solve the integral
The question does give some standard results for the Gaussian function, also multiplied by x to some different powers in the integrand, but I can't seem to get it into...
Using integration by parts:
$$I_n=\left. x(1+x^2)^{-n} \right|_0^1+\int_0^{1} 2nx^2(1+x^2)^{-(n+1)}dx$$
$$I_n=2^{-n} + 2n \int_0^{1} x^2(1+x^2)^{-(n+1)}dx$$
Then how to continue?
I encounter a function that I don‘t know in the calculation of Relativistically invariant 2-body phase space integral:
in this equation, ##s##is the square of total energy of the system in the center-of-mass frame(I think)
I don't know what the function ##\lambda^{\frac{1}{2}}## is.
There are...
I want to find the cumulative mass m(r) of a mass disk. I have the mass density in terms of r, it is an exponential function:
A double integral in polar coordinates should do, but im not sure about the solution I get.
The first step seems easy: computation of the $\theta$ and $\overline{\theta}$ integrals give
$$Z[w] = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{n/2}}\int d^n x \: \det(\partial_j w_i(x)) \exp{\left(-\frac{1}{2}w_i(x)w_i(x)\right)}.$$
From here, I tried using that $$\det(\partial_j w_i (x)) = \det\left(\partial_j w_i...
I have the following problem and am almost sure of the answer but can't quite prove it:
##f(y)## is nonnegative, and I know that ##\int_0^{\infty } f(y) \, dy## is finite.
I now need to calculate (or simplify) the double integral:
$$\int_0^{\infty } \left(\int_x^{\infty } f(y) \, dy\right) \...
Looking at integration today...i will go slow as i also try finish other errands anyway; i am thinking along these lines;
$$\int \sqrt{(ax^2+bx+c)} dx=\sqrt{a}\int \sqrt{\left[x+\frac{b}{2a}\right]^2+\left[\frac{4ac-b^2}{4a^2}\right]} dx$$
$$\int_0^2 \sqrt{(8t^2+16t+16)}...
While I was preparing for an integrals contest, I had a doubt about the following integral, I tried several substitutions but nothing worked.I would appreciate your support for this beautiful integral.
$$ \int\limits_{0}^{1/2} \cos(1-\cos(1-\cos(...(1-\cos(x))...) \ \mathrm{d}x$$
First I parameterize ##z## by ##z(t) = 5i + (3 + i - 5i)t## such that ##z(0) = 5i## and ##z(1) = 3 + i##, which means that ##0 \leq t \leq 0## traces the entire line on the complex plane. By distributing ##t##, we achieve a parameterized expression of the form ##z(t) = x(t) + iy(t)##
$$z(t) = 3t...