- #1
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Homework Statement
##b_2## is the second virial coefficient
Homework Equations
Virial expansion:
$$P = nkT(1 + b_2 (T)n + b_3 (T)n^2...)$$
$$b_2 = -\frac{1}{2} \int dr f(r) $$
r is the distance vector.
$$f(r) = e^{-\beta \phi(r)} - 1$$
The Attempt at a Solution
$$b_2(T) = 2 \pi r^2 \int_0^{\sigma} (e^{-\beta \phi(r)} - 1 )dr = 2\pi \int_0^{\sigma} r^2 dr - 2\pi \int_0^{\sigma} r^2 e^{-\beta \phi(r)} dr$$
I solved these integrals but did not get the stated comparison with VdW model. Am I going OK? I can post more algebraic steps.[/B]