COMSOL Multiphysics- Mathematics

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Mathematics module of COMSOL
Hi everyone, Has anyone tried to model Radiative Transfer equation on comsol? I am stuck at defining the integral term which includes scattering. Also , how do i make my functions have 3 variable dependence as RTE has dependence on position, time and direction vector
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  • #2
Hi, @shar333; welcome aboard the Physics Forums -- can you please tell us the specifics of the problem that you're trying to solve, and show us your attempt at solving it? -- if you do that, and you're thereafter still encountering difficulties, we'll try to be of assistance . . .
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  • #3
I want to model this equation

I used Coefficient form PDE.

but i am not sure how to define s^ (direction vector)
not able to define the integration either.

how do i add integral terms to differential equations?

how can i make my function dependent on 3 variables(s, r and t)
  • #6
shar333 said:
That makes a lot of sense. Thanks
After you've read it, please get back to us -- thanks . . .