- #1
- 43
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I'm trying to get comsol multiphysics to first define an inline
function with 1 variable and 4 parameters, and then run fzero on that
same function. I can do it with two parameters, but no moore.
This works:
This does not work:
Would be thankful for any hints about this.
I'm trying to get comsol multiphysics to first define an inline
function with 1 variable and 4 parameters, and then run fzero on that
same function. I can do it with two parameters, but no moore.
This works:
myfun=inline('exp(y).*cos(x)+z', 'x', 'y', 'z');
x1 = fzero(myfun,-5,2,1)
This does not work:
myfun=inline('exp(y).*cos(x)+z+u', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'u');
x1 = fzero(myfun,-5,2,1,0.3)
C» test
Error: Too few arguments to inline function.
Would be thankful for any hints about this.