Controlled-Z gate as a product of exponentials

In summary, you can use the fact that the exponential of a matrix can be expressed as a series expansion, and substitute in the given matrices for A to prove that the given form of CZ matches the common form. This also allows you to easily show that CZ has the expected diagonal elements. You can refer to Learn LaTeX for Math Equations for help with formatting.
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Homework Statement
**see attached photo** sorry, it was impossible to format in a readable manner
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sigma_0 is the identity matrix, and superscripts such as (1) and (2) indicates qubit 1 or 2 respectively
I have numerous points of confusion: what does it mean that the matrices are within the exponential? How do I go about doing the matrix multiplication to prove the given form of CZ matches the common form, the 4x4 matrix?

Update: using the fact that exp(At)=∑ ((t^n)/n!)*A^n, where A is a matrix. In this case I used three different A's for the three exponentials that form CZ, and found:

CZ= (exp(t))A'A ''A''', where A'=diag(exp(t),exp(-t),exp(t),exp(-t)), A''=diag(exp(t),exp(t),exp(-t),exp(-t)), and A'''=diag(exp(-t),exp(t),exp(t),exp(-t))
therefore, CZ=diag(1,1,1,-1) as expected.


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  • #2
EightBells said:
Homework Statement:: **see attached photo** sorry, it was impossible to format in a readable manner
See Learn LaTeX for Math Equations.

EightBells said:
Update: using the fact that exp(At)=∑ ((t^n)/n!)*A^n, where A is a matrix.
This is indeed the correct approach.

FAQ: Controlled-Z gate as a product of exponentials

What is a Controlled-Z gate?

A Controlled-Z gate is a quantum logic gate that operates on two qubits, where one qubit acts as the control and the other as the target. It applies a phase shift to the target qubit only if the control qubit is in the state |1>.

How is a Controlled-Z gate represented mathematically?

A Controlled-Z gate can be represented by a 2x2 matrix:

[1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 -1]

What is the significance of representing a Controlled-Z gate as a product of exponentials?

Representing a Controlled-Z gate as a product of exponentials allows for efficient implementation of the gate on a quantum computer, as it can be decomposed into simpler gates that can be executed sequentially.

How is a Controlled-Z gate implemented in a quantum circuit?

A Controlled-Z gate is implemented by applying a CNOT gate followed by a phase gate (Z gate) on the target qubit, with the control qubit acting as the control for both gates.

What are the applications of a Controlled-Z gate?

Controlled-Z gates are essential in quantum computing algorithms, such as quantum error correction and quantum teleportation. They are also used in quantum gates for implementing quantum gates for quantum algorithms.
