Covariant four-potential in the Dirac equation in QED

In summary, the Dirac equation for an electron is given by (1) or (2), where ##A_{\mu}## is the covariant four-potential of the electrodynamic field generated by the electron itself, and ##B_{\mu}## is the external field imposed by an external source. The components of ##A_{\mu}## are given by equations (3) and (4) where ##\rho## and ##\mathbf{j}## are the charge density and current density respectively. The term ##e\gamma^{\mu} A_{\mu}\psi## in the Dirac equation represents the interaction of the electron with its own electromagnetic field. This interaction is described by gauge theory
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TL;DR Summary
In the Dirac equation for an electron, the covariant four-potential is generated by the electron itself. How can this four-potential interact with the electron itself?
Under the entry "Quantum electrodynamics" in Wikipedia, the Dirac equation for an electron is given by

$$ i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}\psi - e\gamma^{\mu}\left( A_{\mu} + B_{\mu} \right) \psi - m\psi = 0 ,\tag 1 $$


i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}\psi - m\psi = e\gamma^{\mu}\left( A_{\mu} + B_{\mu} \right) \psi .\tag 2

where ##A_{\mu}## is the covariant four-potential of the electrodynamic field generated by the electron itself, and ##B_{\mu}## is the external field imposed by external source.Under another entry "Electromagnetic four-potential" in Wikipedia, the components of the covariant four-potential ##A_{\mu} = (\phi, \mathbf{A})## are given by

\phi \left( \mathbf{r}, t\right) = \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}} \int d^{3}x' \frac{\rho \left( \mathbf{r'}, t_{r}\right)}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r'}|} ,\tag 3

\mathbf{A} \left( \mathbf{r}, t\right) = \frac{\mu_{0}}{4\pi} \int d^{3}x' \frac{j\left( \mathbf{r'}, t_{r}\right)}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r'}|} ,\tag 4

where ##\rho\left( \mathbf{r}, t\right)## and ##\mathbf{j}\left( \mathbf{r}, t\right)## are charge density and current density respectively, and

t_{r} = t - \frac{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r'}|}{c} \tag 5

is the retarded time.

When I try to solve the Dirac equation (2), I have problem dealing with the first term on the right-hand side, ##e\gamma^{\mu} A_{\mu} \psi##. The four-potential ##A_{\mu} = (\phi, \mathbf{A})## is generated by the electron itself, how can the electron interact with ##A_{\mu}##? Specifically, in this case, the charge density ##\rho## and current density ##\mathbf{j}## belong to the electron itself, and ##\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{r'}##. How can I calculate the term ##e\gamma^{\mu} A_{\mu} \psi##?
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  • #3
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I don't know, why they introduce the complication with the external field ##B_{\mu}## in the Wikipedia article. Let's first deal with standard QED, which describes a closed system consisting of electrons, positrons, and the electromagnetic field. The electrons and positrons are described by the quantized Dirac field, and the electromagnetic field is quantized too.

First of all as any relativistic QFT QED describes a system with a non-fixed number of particles, i.e., it describes electrons and positrons interacting through the electromagnetic field but indeed also on the interaction of a single electron with its own electromagnetic field. As is well known these higher-order "radiative corrections" lead to divergent integrals, which have to be resolved in perturbation theory by renormalization, but after this problem is resolved QED leads to astonishingly accurate predictions of the associated phenomena like the Lamb shift of hydrogen levels or the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron.

Note that the same problem with the "radiation reaction" exists also in the classical case. The only problem is that it's so much more severe than in the QFT case that it cannot even be resolved at all orders of perturbation theory. The best one can come up with in the classical domain is the Landau-Lifshitz approximation of the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equation.

For a very good treatment, see

K. Lechner, Classical Electrodynamics, Springer International
Publishing AG, Cham (2018),

C. Nakhleh, The Lorentz-Dirac and Landau-Lifshitz
equations from the perspective of modern renormalization
theory, Am. J. Phys 81, 180 (2013),
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FAQ: Covariant four-potential in the Dirac equation in QED

What is the covariant four-potential in the context of the Dirac equation?

The covariant four-potential in the context of the Dirac equation refers to a four-vector potential \( A^\mu \) that combines the electric potential and the magnetic vector potential into a single entity. In quantum electrodynamics (QED), this four-potential is essential for describing the interaction of charged fermions, such as electrons, with the electromagnetic field. It is expressed as \( A^\mu = (\phi, \mathbf{A}) \), where \( \phi \) is the scalar electric potential and \( \mathbf{A} \) is the vector magnetic potential.

How does the covariant four-potential relate to the Dirac equation?

The Dirac equation incorporates the covariant four-potential to account for the electromagnetic interaction of fermions. The equation is modified to include the interaction term with the four-potential, leading to the form \( (i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu - e\gamma^\mu A_\mu - m)\psi = 0 \), where \( e \) is the charge of the electron, \( m \) is its mass, and \( \psi \) is the wave function of the fermion. This inclusion allows for the description of how charged particles respond to electromagnetic fields.

What is the significance of gauge invariance in relation to the covariant four-potential?

Gauge invariance is a fundamental symmetry in quantum electrodynamics that states the physics should remain unchanged under certain transformations of the four-potential. Specifically, if we perform a gauge transformation \( A^\mu \rightarrow A^\mu + \partial^\mu \chi \), where \( \chi \) is an arbitrary scalar function, the physical observables, such as the probability density and current, remain invariant. This invariance is crucial for ensuring the consistency and renormalizability of the theory.

How does the covariant four-potential affect the spin of fermions in QED?

The covariant four-potential plays a significant role in determining the behavior of fermions' spin in quantum electrodynamics. The interaction between the four-potential and the spinor wave functions modifies the dynamics of the spin, leading to phenomena such as spin precession in external electromagnetic fields. This is particularly important in understanding processes like the anomalous magnetic moment of particles and the interaction of spins with fields in experiments.

Can the covariant four-potential be used to derive classical electromagnetic theory?

Yes, the covariant four-potential can be used to derive classical electromagnetic theory through the process of taking appropriate limits. By considering the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation and focusing on the classical regime, one can recover Maxwell's equations and

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