Critical field/temperature plots for HTSCs

  • Thread starter Zymandia
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In summary, the conversation is about a person looking for plots of optimally doped cuprates, particularly in the <40K region, but is having trouble finding them through Google search and is unable to access academic papers. They mention seeing a distinct kink in the curve in the 10-15K region for a cuprate sample and are hoping to find accurate measurements of Bc against Tc for samples with Tc > 100K. They also mention seeing three diagrams for different cuprates with this feature at < 20K, but are unable to locate them again. They are asking for any links to these plots.
  • #1
Hi Guys,
A while back I saw a plot of Bc against Tc for a cuprate sample. There seemed to be a distinct kink in the curve in the 10-15K region.
I'd like to see a few plots of optimally doped (or there abouts) cuprates particularly the <40K region. My inept Google searching only gets me the cuprate phase-diagram of SC by doping :(
Not being an academic, I can't always open papers I'm pointed at.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
I'm not sure how many optimally doped cuprates have a Tc less than 40K.
  • #3
None I hope! I'm looking for accurate measured Bc against Tc for samples of Tc > 100K.
I saw a set of 3 diagrams for 3 different cuprates and each had this feature at < 20K, but I haven't been able to find them again and I can't afford to buy papers with likely abstracts/titles.
Any links gratefully appreciated.

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