Determing the equation of a streamline

  • Thread starter Bluestribute
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In summary: Also, use "2" instead of "0". So you meant e(4x2 + 4x + 29.7528). Let x=2 and you get something like 2.4E+9. Can you see your mistake now?In summary, the equation of the streamline that passes through point (2 m, 6 m) at time t = 2 s is y = e^(4x^2 + 4x + 29.7528), where x is in meters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A fluid has velocity components of u=[30/(2x+1)]m/s and v=(2ty)m/s,where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds. Determine the equation of the streamline that passes through point (2 m, 6 m) at time t = 2 s. Write the equation in the form y={y(x)}m, where x is in meters.

Homework Equations

dy/dx = v/u

The Attempt at a Solution

So when I separate my variables, I get udy=vdx. That means my equations are (30/(2x+1))dy = (2ty)dx. Is it really just a matter of integrating such "simple" equations? Or do I need to do some other method/algebra to get the (2x+1) on the dx side and the (2ty) on the dy side? Then all I have to do is integrate and find my constants, correct?
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  • #2
Bluestribute said:

Homework Equations

dy/dx = v/u

The Attempt at a Solution

So when I separate my variables, I get udy=vdx. That means my equations are (30/(2x+1))dy = (2ty)dx. Is it really just a matter of integrating such "simple" equations? Or do I need to do some other method/algebra to get the (2x+1) on the dx side and the (2ty) on the dy side? Then all I have to do is integrate and find my constants, correct?
Separation of variables would be dy/v = dx/u. I don't see why you can't do as you wrote: separate variables, solve the ODE including the "initial conditions". If you want we can compare answers if you post yours first.
  • #3

dy/v = dy/2ty
dx/u = (1/30)(2x+1)dx

I get x2 + x + C1 and ln(y)/2t + C2

How do I solve for those constants to get y=f(x) form using the given boundaries?
  • #4
Bluestribute said:

dy/v = dy/2ty
dx/u = (1/30)(2x+1)dx

I get x2 + x + C1 and ln(y)/2t + C2

What happened to "30"? Then, put an equal sign somewhere & I'm a buyer.
Since it's a 1st order ODE you know there is only one boundary condition and one constant to be determined by the boundary condition. You can obviously combine your C1 and C2 into one constant. Have another shot at it, you're getting warmer.
  • #5
I divided the thirty into the dx equation.

So it's legal to set these equal to each other, put in the conditions, solve for the constant (which, now I understand why no one was putting in both C1 and C2), then rearrange to have y on one side and x on the other?
  • #6
Bluestribute said:
I divided the thirty into the dx equation.
But it's missing in "I get x2 + x + C1 and ln(y)/2t + C2 ". Put it back in!
So it's legal to set these equal to each other, put in the conditions, solve for the constant (which, now I understand why no one was putting in both C1 and C2), then rearrange to have y on one side and x on the other?
Your equation is dy/v = dx/u. This has all y on the left and all x on the right. Integrate both sides, then solve for y explicitly. Try to show your work or I can't tell if & where you slipped.
  • #7
Right right.

(1/30) x2 + x + C = ln(y)/2t

I plug in my initial x,y,t points:

0.2 + C/30 = 0.44794

Solving for C yields C = 7.4382

So now (and I'm going to just drop my thirty in the denominator):

(x2 + x + 7.4382)/30 = ln(y)/2t
(2tx2 + 2tx + 14.8764t)/30 = ln(y)
e(2tx2/30 + 2tx/30 + 14.8764t/30) = y
  • #8
Bluestribute said:
Right right.

(1/30) x2 + x + C = ln(y)/2t

I plug in my initial x,y,t points:

0.2 + C/30 = 0.44794

Solving for C yields C = 7.4382

So now (and I'm going to just drop my thirty in the denominator):

(x2 + x + 7.4382)/30 = ln(y)/2t
(2tx2 + 2tx + 14.8764t)/30 = ln(y)
e(2tx2/30 + 2tx/30 + 14.8764t/30) = y
When you solved for the constant of integration, did you let t=2?
Do that and you got it! My numbers agree if you let t=2 and compute the numerical value of e(14.8764t/30).
  • #9
I think I did, though I might have accidentally did 0 instead . . .
  • #10
Bluestribute said:
I think I did, though I might have accidentally did 0 instead . . .
Your last entry was e(2tx2/30 + 2tx/30 + 14.8764t/30) = y. Needed to get rid of "t".

FAQ: Determing the equation of a streamline

What is a streamline?

A streamline is an imaginary line that shows the direction of fluid flow in a given flow field. It represents the path that a fluid particle would take if it were to move through the flow without any disturbance or turbulence.

Why is it important to determine the equation of a streamline?

Determining the equation of a streamline allows us to understand and visualize the flow of a fluid in a particular system. It also helps in predicting the behavior of the fluid and can be used in engineering applications to optimize designs and improve efficiency.

What factors affect the equation of a streamline?

The equation of a streamline is affected by the velocity and direction of the fluid, as well as any external forces acting on the fluid such as pressure or gravity. It is also influenced by the shape and boundaries of the system in which the fluid is flowing.

How is the equation of a streamline determined?

The equation of a streamline is determined by solving the equations of motion for a fluid particle in a given flow field. This involves considering the forces acting on the particle and using mathematical techniques such as integration and differentiation to obtain the equation.

What is the significance of streamline pattern in fluid flow?

The streamline pattern in fluid flow provides valuable information about the behavior and characteristics of the fluid. For example, it can show areas of high and low velocity, areas of turbulence, and the overall flow direction. This information is important in various fields such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and fluid mechanics.

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