Determining Average Deceleration of a Car Using Equations of Motion

  • #1
I am stuck on this homework question can i have some help please?

A car is traveling at 13ms-1. It is allowed to slow down naturally without applying the brakes. The distance traveled in coming to rest is 640m.

Show that the average deceleration of the car is about 0.1ms-2.
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums.
LaurenceFS said:
I am stuck on this homework question can i have some help please?

A car is traveling at 13ms-1. It is allowed to slow down naturally without applying the brakes. The distance traveled in coming to rest is 640m.

Show that the average deceleration of the car is about 0.1ms-2.
What have you tried thus far?
  • #3
Welcome to the board! :)

Ok, here's a little help, since it comes to rest, the final velocity should be 0m/s. Now you have initial velocity, final velocity & displacement, try applying the suitable equation of motion.

But as Hootenanny said, you need to show us your attempts before asking for any help. Take care of that and have a look at the rules. :smile: