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Demystifier said:Can you give an argument or a reference for that statement?
See any logic book, eg Hinman. It will work inside set theory already.
Demystifier said:Can you give an argument or a reference for that statement?
stevendaryl said:The semantics of first-order logic perhaps requires set theory, but first-order logic itself is just syntax plus rules of inference. It certainly doesn't require set theory. It would be circular if it did, because set theory is axiomatized using first-order logic.
micromass said:What is your definition of first order logic?
In that book, a formal discussion of set theory does not appear before Chapter 6. Of course, the concept of a set is used already in Chapter 1, but it is used only in the informal sense, not in the sense of set theory.micromass said:See any logic book, eg Hinman. It will work inside set theory already.
And uuh, what exactly IS a set in the informal sense? Note that he uses the axiom choice in the first two chapters too!Demystifier said:In that book, a formal discussion of set theory does not appear before Chapter 6. Of course, the concept of a set is used already in Chapter 1, but it is used only in the informal sense, not in the sense of set theory.
A collection.micromass said:And uuh, what exactly IS a set in the informal sense?
Uhh, perhaps it tells more about the book than about logic. I believe that most logic textbooks do not commit that crime.micromass said:Note that he uses the axiom choice in the first two chapters too!
Demystifier said:A collection.![]()
Uhh, perhaps it tells more about the book than about logic. I believe that most logic textbooks do not commit that crime.
OK, you convinced me, it's very hard to talk about logic without having some notions of sets. But the opposite, to talk about sets without having some notions of logic, is even harder. So where should we start? Should we completely abandon the idea that mathematics has a well defined foundation? (Or perhaps my avatar was right that we should found mathematics on type theory, no matter how much things become complicated then?)micromass said:Then your logic books do not treat the compactness theorem, completeness theorem and Löwenheim-Skolem theorems, all of which can be proven to need the axiom of choice!
Demystifier said:OK, you convinced me, it's very hard to talk about logic without having some notions of sets. But the opposite, to talk about sets without having some notions of logic, is even harder. So where should we start? Should we completely abandon the idea that mathematics has a well defined foundation? (Or perhaps my avatar was right that we should found mathematics on type theory, no matter how much things become complicated then?)
That definitely makes sense!micromass said:See also this: http://mathoverflow.net/questions/22635/can-we-prove-set-theory-is-consistent
It's a chicken vs the egg problem. What comes first? Logic or set theory. In either case, we are forced to accept some non-formalized stuff. Either we accept some "god-given" logic, or we accept a "god-given naive set theory", or both. I don't see a way out of this. It is my personal believe that we can give an accurate but nonformal description (or intuition) of what logic is, what a proof is and what a set is. With these we can create formal logic and formal set theory. We can then prove a lot of cool theorems about logic and set theory. But these will not be theorems about our naive nonformal system. Rather, it will be theorems about the logic and set theory we mimicked inside our nonformal system.
Demystifier said:That definitely makes sense!
But consider this. Let non-formal logic and non-formal set theory be called Log1 and Set1. Likewise, let Log2 and Set2 be their formal incarnations. And suppose that Log1 and Set1 are given. As the next step, what should we develop first, Log2 or Set2? So far I thought that Log2 should be formulated before Set2, but now it seems that it doesn't matter.
This is something I always thought but was afraid to say. Thanks for spelling it explicitly!micromass said:I reject any use of infinite sets in Set1 including the axiom of choice
micromass said:What comes first? Logic or set theory.
And before defining the word "before" we must first define some words before that.Stephen Tashi said:Before ...
micromass said:How many variables do you typically have?
micromass said:Indeed, it doesn't matter so much. However, in my point of view, I reject any use of infinite sets in Set1 including the axiom of choice which is a statement about infinite sets. I am prepared to accept potential infinity. If we do this, then we cannot develop the completeness theorem or Löwenheim-Skolem theorem in Log2 unless you already developed Set2.
stevendaryl said:If you're saying that you need to already have an informal notion of a collection in order to make sense of logic, that's probably true. But you certainly don't need any set theory. Set theory is a theory of sets. I wouldn't say that any time someone mentions a collection, they are using set theory.
stevendaryl said:but children learn to use natural numbers before they learn set theory.
stevendaryl said:The Lowenheim-Skolem theorem is a theorem ABOUT first-order logic.
micromass said:That is irrelevant.
In the same way, you need a set theory in order to define first order logic.
micromass said:And uh, in what system are you proving things about first order logic?
micromass said:In usual definitions of first order logic they set a countable collection of variables. Furthermore, there is an infinite collection of ZFC axioms. Countable and infinite do not make sense outside of an axiomatic set theory.
stevendaryl said:No, it's not. It's clearly true that you don't need set theory in order to do arithmetic. You don't need set theory in order to do first-order logic. If it is possible to do X without knowing anything about Y, then I would say that X does not need Y.
I would say "In the same way, you DON'T need set theory in order to define first order logic".
I certainly learned first-order logic before I learned set theory, and it was invented before set theory was invented, so what exactly do you mean by saying that you "need" set theory? I can teach someone how to do proofs in first-order logic without ever mentioning sets, so how, exactly, do I "need" set theory? I really don't understand what you're talking about.
stevendaryl said:Once again, you're confusing (1) proving things about first order logic with (2) using first order logic. You need set theory (or something similar) to do (1), but not (2). You can prove, using set theory, that there are an infinite number of axioms of ZFC. But that doesn't mean that you need set theory in order to say what the axioms of ZFC are. ZFC is specified using axiom schemas. That means that you give a pattern for an axiom, and any first-order logic sentence that matches that pattern is an axiom. You can certainly prove using set theory that there are infinitely many axioms matching the schema, but such a proof is not needed to do set theory.
stevendaryl said:That doesn't matter, but I assume it is in an informal system of first-order logic plus set theory. There is a distinction between doing first-order logic and proving things about first-order logic. Set theory typically is needed for the second, but not for the first.
stevendaryl said:That doesn't matter, but I assume it is in an informal system of first-order logic plus set theory. There is a distinction between doing first-order logic and proving things about first-order logic. Set theory typically is needed for the second, but not for the first.
micromass said:An informal system? You are aware that there are theorems and proofs out there which say that "compactness theorem" is equivalent to "ultrafilter lemma" in ZF. Where are we proving this result? In your informal system?
micromass said:Well, it shouldn't be difficult for you to give a reference where first-order logic is done without mentioning infinity, countability or sets then?
micromass said:I see you conveniently ignored the necessity of countably many variables.
What's an axiom schema then?
To teach a kid to count 3 apples, you first need to convey the idea that those apples constitute a kind of single entity (that is, a set). That's why you teach the kid to count apples in a basket, or to count the fingers at the hand, but not to count apples and fingers together, because it's much harder for a kid to get the idea that fingers and apples may constitute a single entity. If you ask a 5 year old kid how many apples and fingers together do we have, it's very likely that you will confuse him. The confusion stems from the fact that the concept of set is needed for counting, and this particular set is too abstract for him to do the counting.stevendaryl said:but children learn to use natural numbers before they learn set theory.
Demystifier said:To teach a kid to count 3 apples, you first need to convey the idea that those apples constitute a kind of single entity (that is, a set). That's why you teach the kid to count apples in a basket, or to count the fingers at the hand, but not to count apples and fingers together, because it's much harder for a kid to get the idea that fingers and apples may constitute a single entity. If you ask a 5 year old kid how many apples and fingers together do we have, it's very likely that you will confuse him. The confusion stems from the fact that the concept of set is needed for counting, and this particular set is too abstract for him to do the counting.
In fact, in the first grade of elementary school, they taught us sets before teaching us counting.