Does a balloon's temperature increase when a balloon is popped?

In summary, we blew up a balloon, attached a data logger inside the balloon. We then popped it and checked if the temperature increased or decreased. Most of the time, the temperature increased (from around 29 degrees Celsius to 29.2 degrees Celsius).
  • #1
Elizabeth Lil

Homework Statement

We blew up a balloon, attached a data logger inside the balloon. We then popped it and checked if the temperature increased or decreased. Most of the time, the temperature increased (from around 29 degrees Celsius to 29.2 degrees Celsius).

Why is this so?

Homework Equations

Ideal Gas Law: Pv= nRT (where n and R are constants)

The Attempt at a Solution

My group is divided. One of us thinks that the balloon's temperature should have decreased, as the pressure decreases (following the Ideal Gas Law up there). But another of us thinks that it should have increased, because the volume increased more than the pressure did.
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF.
What is the thermodynamic process you'd expect to be dominant when the balloon was popped?

What was the mean and standard deviation of the changes over many experiments?
Did you pop the balloon by inflating it until it burst or just pricking it with a pin?
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  • #3
We popped the balloon with a pin.

Our results show that the temperature of the air in the balloon either remained the same or increased by about 0.2-0.3 oC, but we're not sure if this is theoretically correct or simply due to human error. The mean over all our experiments should be around an increase of 0.06 oC or so.

If our results are correct, then I suppose the increase in volume took precedence over the decrease in pressure. But is that likely to happen?
  • #4
You will get experimental variation due to lots of things - including variations in the composition of the balloons. It is just not the same each time. You'd expect so many random variations to produce a normal distribution in your results ... which is why mean and standard deviation are important. If "no change" is within 2sd of the mean change then your results are consistent with no change in temperature. (If there were any change, you failed to measure it.)

BTW: did you measure the pressure inside the balloon?

If our results are correct, then I suppose the increase in volume took precedence over the decrease in pressure. But is that likely to happen?
Well that is the question isn't it? So think of the different thermodynamic processes and ask which one you'd expect to be dominant. Should have done this before the experiment... it is seldom meaningful to confirm a theory after the fact.

Note: experimental results are always "correct". They are what you measured.
  • #5
Do not forget the elastic wall of the balloon. While the gas extends through the hole into the external atmosphere and does work against the external pressure, the walls move inward, pressing the gas out. This is work done on the gas, warming it up, while the extension of the gas results in cooling down.


FAQ: Does a balloon's temperature increase when a balloon is popped?

1. Does a balloon's temperature increase when a balloon is popped?

No, a balloon's temperature does not increase when it is popped. The popping sound and feeling of warmth that may be associated with popping a balloon is actually caused by the sudden release of energy and air pressure inside the balloon.

2. Why does a balloon feel warm when it is popped?

When a balloon is popped, the sudden release of energy causes the air inside to rapidly expand and cool down. This decrease in temperature can create the sensation of warmth on the surface of the balloon.

3. Is it safe to pop a balloon with heat?

No, it is not safe to pop a balloon with heat. Heating a balloon can cause it to burst suddenly and potentially cause burns or other injuries. It is recommended to use other methods, such as poking it with a sharp object, to pop a balloon.

4. Can a balloon's temperature increase if it is filled with hot air?

Yes, the temperature of a balloon can increase if it is filled with hot air. This is because the molecules of hot air have more energy and are moving faster, causing the temperature of the balloon to increase as well. However, once the hot air cools down, the balloon's temperature will also decrease.

5. Does the material of a balloon affect its temperature when it is popped?

Yes, the material of a balloon can affect its temperature when popped. For example, a latex balloon may feel warmer when popped compared to a mylar balloon because latex is a better insulator and can trap more heat. However, the difference in temperature is minimal and does not significantly impact the overall temperature of the balloon.
