Evidence of Strong Equivalence Principle Violations?

In summary: The paper is:Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle: Detection of the External Field Effect in Rotationally Supported GalaxiesKyu-Hyun Chae, Federico Lelli, Harry Desmond, Stacy S. McGaugh, Pengfei Li, James M. SchombertThe Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP) distinguishes General Relativity from other viable theories of gravity. The SEP demands that the internal dynamics of a self-gravitating system under free-fall in an external gravitational field should not depend on the external field strength. We test the SEP by investigating the external field effect (EFE) in Milgromian dynamics (MOND), proposed as an alternative to
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TL;DR Summary
A group of authors in a September 2020 pre-print accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal find strong evidence that MOND's external field effect which violates the strong equivalence principle is real.
This paper appears to be a major break though in observational evidence of a strong equivalence principle violation, something predicted in MOND and contrary to general relativity. The analysis is model dependent, but it seems to rule out the most plausible conventional GR based alternatives. Are there other problems with this analysis?

The paper is:

[Submitted on 24 Sep 2020]
Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle: Detection of the External Field Effect in Rotationally Supported Galaxies
Kyu-Hyun Chae, Federico Lelli, Harry Desmond, Stacy S. McGaugh, Pengfei Li, James M. Schombert
The Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP) distinguishes General Relativity from other viable theories of gravity. The SEP demands that the internal dynamics of a self-gravitating system under free-fall in an external gravitational field should not depend on the external field strength. We test the SEP by investigating the external field effect (EFE) in Milgromian dynamics (MOND), proposed as an alternative to dark matter in interpreting galactic kinematics. We report a detection of this EFE using galaxies from the Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) sample together with estimates of the large-scale external gravitational field from an all-sky galaxy catalog. Our detection is threefold: (1) the EFE is individually detected at 8σ to 11σ in "golden" galaxies subjected to exceptionally strong external fields, while it is not detected in exceptionally isolated galaxies, (2) the EFE is statistically detected at more than 4σ from a blind test of 153 SPARC rotating galaxies, giving a mean value of the external field consistent with an independent estimate from the galaxies' environments, and (3) we detect a systematic downward trend in the weak gravity part of the radial acceleration relation at the right acceleration predicted by the EFE of the MOND modified gravity. Tidal effects from neighboring galaxies in the ΛCDM context are not strong enough to explain these phenomena. They are not predicted by existing ΛCDM models of galaxy formation and evolution, adding a new small-scale challenge to the ΛCDM paradigm. Our results point to a breakdown of the SEP, supporting modified gravity theories beyond General Relativity.
Comments:ApJ, accepted, 14 figures, 2 tables
Subjects:Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th)
Cite as:arXiv:2009.11525 [astro-ph.GA]
(or arXiv:2009.11525v1 [astro-ph.GA] for this version)
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The only problem I see with it is that it is a classical analysis, not a quantum analysis. If you are looking at a regime in which the gravitational field is very weak, then it seems to me self-evident that you have to consider the possibility that the gravitational field is quantised, and that this affects what is going on. In electromagnetism, the effects of charge are inverse square, but the effects of spin (magnetism) are inverse linear, and surely something of the same nature is going on in quantum gravity to produce the MOND effects. This means that the crossover point comes where the (inverse-square) bosons become so weak that the (inverse linear) fermions take over. At a local level, it does not matter whether the bosons arrive from a local source or from outside, if there are enough of them, they dominate. They sweep up the local neutrinos, so that they forget the gravitational mass of the electrons they came from, and put their energy into a bosonic graviton, where it has much less effect than if it was allowed to hunt on its own.
Well, that's my theory, based on the framework for quantum gravity that is sketched in arxiv:2009.14613v5.
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  • #3
robwilson said:
The only problem I see with it is that it is a classical analysis, not a quantum analysis. If you are looking at a regime in which the gravitational field is very weak, then it seems to me self-evident that you have to consider the possibility that the gravitational field is quantised, and that this affects what is going on. In electromagnetism, the effects of charge are inverse square, but the effects of spin (magnetism) are inverse linear, and surely something of the same nature is going on in quantum gravity to produce the MOND effects.
Sorry, but,... you say "surely", yet this is completely upside-down speculation. QG effects would be expected for short-distance interaction, or ultra-strong fields.

This means that the crossover point comes where the (inverse-square) bosons become so weak that the (inverse linear) fermions take over. At a local level, it does not matter whether the bosons arrive from a local source or from outside, if there are enough of them, they dominate. They sweep up the local neutrinos, so that they forget the gravitational mass of the electrons they came from, and put their energy into a bosonic graviton, where it has much less effect than if it was allowed to hunt on its own.
Well, that's my theory, based on the framework for quantum gravity that is sketched in arxiv:2009.14613v5.
You say in your abstract that you "leave open the question of whether [your group theoretical ideas] can be implemented in physical theories".

Also, please note the rules on this forum prohibiting discussion of personal theories that have not passed peer review.
  • #4
strangerep said:
Sorry, but,... you say "surely", yet this is completely upside-down speculation. QG effects would be expected for short-distance interaction, or ultra-strong fields.You say in your abstract that you "leave open the question of whether [your group theoretical ideas] can be implemented in physical theories".

Also, please note the rules on this forum prohibiting discussion of personal theories that have not passed peer review.
Mea culpa. I'm not interested in what is "expected", I am interested in what is actually seen in experiments, especially if it is unexpected. And the unexpected effects of gravity are seen in ultra-weak fields, not in ultra-strong fields.

FAQ: Evidence of Strong Equivalence Principle Violations?

What is the Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP)?

The Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP) is a fundamental postulate of general relativity which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their state of motion or the presence of gravitational fields. It extends the Weak Equivalence Principle by asserting that not only the trajectories of freely falling test masses are independent of their composition and structure, but also that the outcomes of all local non-gravitational experiments are independent of the velocity of the observer and the gravitational field.

How can violations of the Strong Equivalence Principle be detected?

Violations of the Strong Equivalence Principle can be detected through precision measurements of gravitational interactions, such as tests involving free-fall motion of different materials, the behavior of clocks in varying gravitational fields, and experiments with atomic interferometry. By comparing the motion of different test masses in a gravitational field, scientists can look for discrepancies that would indicate a violation of the SEP.

What are some potential consequences of violating the Strong Equivalence Principle?

If the Strong Equivalence Principle is violated, it could have significant implications for our understanding of gravity and fundamental physics. It may suggest the existence of new forces, modifications to general relativity, or the need for a new theory of gravity. Such violations could also impact cosmological models, the behavior of black holes, and the unification of gravity with quantum mechanics.

What are some experimental results that suggest violations of the Strong Equivalence Principle?

Some experimental results, such as those from the MICROSCOPE satellite mission, have sought to test the equivalence of different materials in free fall with high precision. Although no significant violations have been confirmed, some anomalies in measurements have raised questions about the validity of the SEP. Other experiments, including those involving the gravitational acceleration of antimatter, have also been conducted to explore potential violations.

What future experiments are planned to further investigate the Strong Equivalence Principle?

Future experiments aimed at investigating the Strong Equivalence Principle include advanced atomic interferometry experiments, such as those planned with the space-based mission STE-QUEST, which will test the equivalence of matter and antimatter. Additionally, ground-based experiments using laser technology and improved gravitational wave detectors may provide new insights into potential violations and help refine our understanding of gravity and fundamental forces.
