- #1
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Homework Statement
I am working on a program that queries an electronic instrument in order to find a value x for which the instrument will return a minimum value. I can provide any value for x that I want and the instrument will return the result f(x). The function has only one minimum. In order to test my algorithm, I created a function and I would like to know how can find the minimum of this function using as few tries as possible. Once I am pretty happy with the algorithm, I will implement it in the real program. I thought of a simple algorithm (which I admit is pretty dumb and it may not converge for a slightly different function or for any start value of x). With my algorithm, if I start with x = 0, it will take me 35 tries to identify x for which f(x) is minimum (when x = -4.8671, f(x) = 0.9426).
Homework Equations
f(x) = 0.5*(0.29*x*(x+2)+0.22*x+3-3*sqrt(x*x-3*x+9)+12.88-x/1.33);
The Attempt at a Solution
a. choose a random start value
b. choose a random step
c. query the function what is the result yleft = f(xstart - step)
d. query the function what is the result yright = f(xstart + step)
e. query the function what is the result of y = f(xstart)
f. if yleft < yright, then x must be somwhere to the left, so xleft = x-2*step, xright = x
g. if yright < yleft, xleft = x, xright = x+2*step
h. More details in the sample program provided below.
x = 0;
xStep = 2.0;
y = Function(x);
xl = x - xStep;
xr = x + xStep;
do {
yl = Function(xl);
yr = Function(xr);
x = (xl + xr) / 2;
y = Function(x);
if(yl <= yr && yl <= y) {
Dir = Left; //minimum is probably to the left of X, but not necessarily!
x = (xl + xr) / 2;
xr = x;
xl = xl - 2 * xStep;
else if(yr <= yl && yr <= y) {
Dir = Right; //minimum is probably to the right of X, but not necessarily!
x = (xl + xr) / 2;
xl = x;
xr = xr + 2 * xStep;
else if(y <= yl && y <= yr) {
Dir = Center;
xStep = xStep * 0.70; // I found by trial and error that 0.70 is a value that converges decently fast
xl = xl + xStep;
xr = xr - xStep;
while(fabs(yr - yl) > 0.0001 && n < 100);
Certainly there are much better algorithms than this one, so any suggestions are welcome.
Kind regards,
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