Free/Cheap alternatives to Root Explorer (Android)?

  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi All,
I am having trouble installing Root Explorer on my phone. Anyone know of any other free/cheap app that would
allow me to search through my phone's root directory? Or, is there some other way I can find a file within an app
on my phone, given the very primitive default file manager in Android phones?
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  • #3
A big advantage of Android is that it allows every user the freedom to access their device's file system. File transfers between a computer and smartphone or tablet are as simple as plugging in a USB cable and firing up your desktop file manager. There are multiple apps that you can use to access your root file. You can view the best of free and paid apps here:
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  • #4
All i knwo about Android data manage , you can install a Android Manager and Android Assistant ,just like its name, which can be used to assist or manage your phone data for your Android phone ,
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