From Nyquist plot to real conductivity spectra (sigma)

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
From Nyquist plot to real conductivity spectra (sigma) vs frequency
Hi, I have data of impedance but due to limitation of software after measurement I do not receive numerical values for admittance and real conductivity vs frequency. How mathematically I can convert Nyquist plot into plot real conductivity vs frequency?
conductivity spectra.jpg
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  • #2
Your plot already shows the real part of the complex conductivity. Do you need the imaginary part?
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Likes Lord Jestocost
  • #3
The image is the result I want to get. For now I have Nyquist plot Im vs Re, which I would like to transform it to the plot you see attached, real part of complex conductivity vs frequency. I have done it trough admittance but I am not sure in all formulas I used for it...
  • #4
Please, show us your method.
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Likes SammyS