Functional Determinant of a system of differential operators?

In summary, the conversation discusses the computation of the determinant of a general "operator" with fixed boundary conditions and its potential use in a stationary phase approximation. The heat-kernel method is suggested as a possible approach, and it involves working out the propagator and finding the heat-kernel and another heat-kernel thing. The trace of the log of the operator can then be related to the determinant. It is questioned whether this method is still valid for a more complicated operator.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
When applying the stationary phase approximation for path integrals we need to calculate the determinant of an operator; but what can we do if this operator is itself a matrix (made out of operators!)
So in particular, how could the determinant of some general "operator" like

$$ \begin{pmatrix}
f(x) & \frac{d}{dx} \\ \frac{d}{dx} & g(x)
\end{pmatrix} $$

with appropriate boundary conditions (especially fixed BC), be computed? And assuming that it diverges, would it be valid in a stationary phase approximation context to divide by some reference operator such as

$$ \begin{pmatrix}
0 & \frac{d}{dx} \\ \frac{d}{dx} & 0
\end{pmatrix} $$

and use this value, for the quantum corrections to the classical path?
Physics news on
  • #3
Thanks for linking, your notes look really good vanhees71!

Would this be a fair summary for the Heat-Kernel method (starting on page 93 of the linked notes)?
If we call the operator we're interested in H.
  1. Work out the propogator ## \langle x | exp(- H \theta) | x' \rangle ##
  2. Then get some kind of expression for ## \langle x | exp(- H \theta) | x \rangle ##
  3. Find the Heat-Kernel (a function of ##\theta##) by integrating over the coordinates
  4. Find the other Heat-Kernel thing, denoted by ##\tilde{H} ## (a function of the complex parameter ##\alpha##)
  5. Take the complex parameter ##\alpha## to zero, getting the trace of the log of H, which we can then relate to the determinant
Is this algorithm still safe to use if H is something like

a(x) & \frac{d}{dx} & b(x) \\ \frac{d}{dx} & c(x) & d(x) \\ e(x) & f(x) & g(x)

In the notes ## \langle x | exp(- H \theta) | x' \rangle ## is turned into something concrete by integrating over the momentum identity, would I be able to do something similar with my matrix example?

FAQ: Functional Determinant of a system of differential operators?

What is the functional determinant of a system of differential operators?

The functional determinant of a system of differential operators is a mathematical concept that measures the change in a functional space caused by the application of a set of differential operators. It is a generalization of the determinant of a matrix in linear algebra.

How is the functional determinant calculated?

The functional determinant is calculated by taking the product of the eigenvalues of the differential operators in the system. This can be done using various mathematical techniques, such as the Fredholm determinant or the Gel'fand-Yaglom formula.

What is the significance of the functional determinant?

The functional determinant is an important tool in the study of differential equations and functional analysis. It can be used to determine the stability of a system, as well as to find solutions to differential equations. It also has applications in quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

Can the functional determinant be negative?

In general, the functional determinant can be any real number, including negative values. However, in some cases, such as when the system of differential operators is self-adjoint, the functional determinant is always positive.

How is the functional determinant related to the spectrum of the system of differential operators?

The functional determinant is closely related to the spectrum of the system of differential operators. The eigenvalues of the operators are the points in the spectrum, and the functional determinant is the product of these eigenvalues. This means that the functional determinant can provide information about the behavior of the system based on its spectrum.

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