- #1
- 74
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Homework Statement
I am supposed to write a program that has the user enter 10 nouns and 10 verbs. It then creates a 4 sentence story using the those words. I am getting an ArrayOutOfBoundsException when it gets to the part where it prints out the story. The exception is found in the grab() method of ArrayBag. I can't figure out the issue though.
Homework Equations
// File: ArrayBag.java from the package edu.colorado.collections
// Additional javadoc documentation is available from the ArrayBag link in:
// http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/docs
package edu.colorado.collections;
* An ArrayBag is a generic collection of references to objects.
* The same object may appear multiple times in a bag.
* @note
* (1) The capacity of one of these bags can change after it's created, but
* the maximum capacity is limited by the amount of free memory on the
* machine. The constructor, addItem, clone,
* and union will result in an OutOfMemoryError
* when free memory is exhausted.
* <p>
* (2) A bag's capacity cannot exceed the maximum integer 2,147,483,647
* (Integer.MAX_VALUE). Any attempt to create a larger capacity
* results in a failure due to an arithmetic overflow.
* <p>
* (3) Because of the slow linear algorithms of this
* class, large bags will have poor performance.
* @see
* <A HREF="../../../../edu/colorado/collections/ArrayBag.java">
* Java Source Code for this class
* (www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/edu/colorado/collections/ArrayBag.java)
* </A>
* @author Michael Main
* <A HREF="mailto:main@colorado.edu"> (main@colorado.edu) </A>
* @version
* Jul 5, 2005
* @see IntArrayBag
* @see LinkedBag
public class ArrayBag<E> implements Cloneable
// Invariant of the ArrayBag class:
// 1. The number of elements in the bag is in the instance variable
// manyItems, which is no more than data.length.
// 2. For an empty bag, we do not care what is stored in any of data;
// for a non-empty bag, the elements in the bag are stored in data[0]
// through data[manyItems-1], and we don't care what's in the
// rest of data.
private E[ ] data;
private int manyItems;
* Initialize an empty bag with an initial capacity of 10. Note that the
* addItem method works efficiently (without needing more
* memory) until this capacity is reached.
* @param - none
* @postcondition
* This bag is empty and has an initial capacity of 10.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for:
* new Object[10].
public ArrayBag( )
final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 10;
manyItems = 0;
data = (E[]) new Object[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
* Initialize an empty bag with a specified initial capacity. Note that the
* addItem method works efficiently (without needing more
* memory) until this capacity is reached.
* @param initialCapacity
* the initial capacity of this bag
* @precondition
* initialCapacity is non-negative.
* @postcondition
* This bag is empty and has the given initial capacity.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* Indicates that initialCapacity is negative.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for: new Object[initialCapacity].
public ArrayBag(int initialCapacity)
if (initialCapacity < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("The initialCapacity is negative: " + initialCapacity);
data = (E[]) new Object[initialCapacity];
manyItems = 0;
* Add a new element to this bag. If the new element would take this
* bag beyond its current capacity, then the capacity is increased
* before adding the new element.
* @param element
* the new element that is being inserted
* @postcondition
* A new copy of the element has been added to this bag.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for increasing the bag's capacity.
* @note
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond
* Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the bag to fail with an
* arithmetic overflow.
public void add(E element)
if (manyItems == data.length)
{ // Ensure twice as much space as we need.
ensureCapacity((manyItems + 1)*2);
data[manyItems] = element;
* Add new elements to this bag. If the new elements would take this
* bag beyond its current capacity, then the capacity is increased
* before adding the new elements.
* @param elements
* (a variable-arity argument)
* one or more new elements that are being inserted
* @postcondition
* A new copy of the element has been added to this bag.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for increasing the bag's capacity.
* @note
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond
* Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause the bag to fail with an
* arithmetic overflow.
public void addMany(E... elements)
if (manyItems + elements.length > data.length)
{ // Ensure twice as much space as we need.
ensureCapacity((manyItems + elements.length)*2);
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, data, manyItems, elements.length);
manyItems += elements.length;
* Add the contents of another bag to this bag.
* @param addend
* a bag whose contents will be added to this bag
* @precondition
* The parameter, addend, is not null.
* @postcondition
* The elements from addend have been added to this bag.
* @exception NullPointerException
* Indicates that addend is null.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory to increase the size of the bag.
* @note
* An attempt to increase the capacity beyond
* Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic overflow
* that will cause the bag to fail. Such large collections should use
* a different bag implementation.
public void addAll(ArrayBag<E> addend)
// If addend is null, then a NullPointerException is thrown.
// In the case that the total number of items is beyond
// Integer.MAX_VALUE, there will be an arithmetic overflow and
// the bag will fail.
ensureCapacity(manyItems + addend.manyItems);
System.arraycopy(addend.data, 0, data, manyItems, addend.manyItems);
manyItems += addend.manyItems;
* Generate a copy of this bag.
* @param - none
* @return
* The return value is a copy of this bag. Subsequent changes to the
* copy will not affect the original, nor vice versa.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for creating the clone.
public ArrayBag<E> clone( )
{ // Clone an ArrayBag object.
ArrayBag<E> answer;
answer = (ArrayBag<E>) super.clone( );
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
{ // This exception should not occur. But if it does, it would probably
// indicate a programming error that made super.clone unavailable.
// The most common error would be forgetting the "Implements Cloneable"
// clause at the start of this class.
throw new RuntimeException
("This class does not implement Cloneable");
answer.data = data.clone( );
return answer;
* Accessor method to count the number of occurrences of a particular element
* in this bag.
* @param target
* the element that needs to be counted
* @return
* the number of times that target occurs in this bag
public int countOccurrences(E target)
int answer;
int index;
answer = 0;
for (index = 0; index < manyItems; index++)
if (target == data[index])
return answer;
* Change the current capacity of this bag.
* @param minimumCapacity
* the new capacity for this bag
* @postcondition
* This bag's capacity has been changed to at least minimumCapacity.
* If the capacity was already at or greater than minimumCapacity,
* then the capacity is left unchanged.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for: new Object[minimumCapacity].
public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity)
E biggerArray[ ];
if (data.length < minimumCapacity)
biggerArray = (E[]) new Object[minimumCapacity];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, biggerArray, 0, manyItems);
data = biggerArray;
* Accessor method to get the current capacity of this bag.
* The add method works efficiently (without needing
* more memory) until this capacity is reached.
* @param - none
* @return
* the current capacity of this bag
public int getCapacity( )
return data.length;
* Accessor method to retrieve a random element from this bag.
* @param - none
* @precondition
* This bag is not empty.
* @return
* a randomly selected element from this bag
* @exception IllegalStateException
* Indicates that the bag is empty.
public E grab( )
int i;
if (manyItems == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Bag size is zero");
i = (int)(Math.random( ) * manyItems) + 1;
return data[i];
* Remove one copy of a specified element from this bag.
* @param target
* the element to remove from the bag
* @postcondition
* If target was found in the bag, then one copy of
* target has been removed and the method returns true.
* Otherwise the bag remains unchanged and the method returns false.
public boolean remove(E target)
int index; // The location of target in the data array.
// First, set index to the location of target in the data array,
// which could be as small as 0 or as large as manyItems-1; If target
// is not in the array, then index will be set equal to manyItems;
if (target == null)
{ // Find the first occurrence of the null reference in the bag.
index = 0;
while ((index < manyItems) && (data[index] != null))
{ // Find the first occurrence of the target in the bag.
index = 0;
while ((index < manyItems) && (!target.equals(data[index])))
if (index == manyItems)
// The target was not found, so nothing is removed.
return false;
{ // The target was found at data[index].
// So reduce manyItems by 1 and copy the last element onto data[index].
data[index] = data[manyItems];
data[manyItems] = null;
return true;
* Determine the number of elements in this bag.
* @param - none
* @return
* the number of elements in this bag
public int size( )
return manyItems;
* Reduce the current capacity of this bag to its actual size (i.e., the
* number of elements it contains).
* @param - none
* @postcondition
* This bag's capacity has been changed to its current size.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for altering the capacity.
public void trimToSize( )
E trimmedArray[ ];
if (data.length != manyItems)
trimmedArray = (E[]) new Object[manyItems];
System.arraycopy(data, 0, trimmedArray, 0, manyItems);
data = trimmedArray;
* Create a new bag that contains all the elements from two other bags.
* @param b1
* the first of two bags
* @param b2
* the second of two bags
* @precondition
* Neither b1 nor b2 is null, and
* b1.getCapacity( ) + b2.getCapacity( ) <= Integer.MAX_VALUE.
* @return
* the union of b1 and b2
* @exception NullPointerException.
* Indicates that one of the arguments is null.
* @exception OutOfMemoryError
* Indicates insufficient memory for the new bag.
* @note
* An attempt to create a bag with a capacity beyond
* Integer.MAX_VALUE will cause an arithmetic overflow
* that will cause the bag to fail. Such large collections should use
* a different bag implementation.
public static <E> ArrayBag<E> union(ArrayBag<E> b1, ArrayBag<E> b2)
// If either b1 or b2 is null, then a NullPointerException is thrown.
// In the case that the total number of items is beyond
// Integer.MAX_VALUE, there will be an arithmetic overflow and
// the bag will fail.
ArrayBag<E> answer = new ArrayBag<E>(b1.getCapacity( ) + b2.getCapacity( ));
System.arraycopy(b1.data, 0, answer.data, 0, b1.manyItems);
System.arraycopy(b2.data, 0, answer.data, b1.manyItems, b2.manyItems);
answer.manyItems = b1.manyItems + b2.manyItems;
return answer;
public void printList()
for(int i=0; i<manyItems; i++)
The Attempt at a Solution
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package edu.colorado.collections;
* @author Scott
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Story
private static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args)
final int WORDS_PER_BAG = 10;
final int MANY_SENTENCES = 4;
ArrayBag<String> nouns = new ArrayBag<>(WORDS_PER_BAG);
ArrayBag<String> verbs = new ArrayBag<>(WORDS_PER_BAG);
int line;
System.out.println("Help me write a silly story.\n");
getWords(nouns, WORDS_PER_BAG, "nouns");
getWords(verbs, WORDS_PER_BAG, "verbs");
System.out.println("Thank you for your assistance.\n");
System.out.println("Silly Story\n");
for(line=1; line<=MANY_SENTENCES; line++)
System.out.print("The " + (String)nouns.grab() + " ");
System.out.println(" the " + (String)nouns.grab() + ".");
public static void getWords(ArrayBag<String> b, int n, String prompt)
String userInput;
int i;
System.out.print("Please type " + n + " " + prompt);
System.out.println(", separated by spaces.");
System.out.println("Press the <return> key after final entry:");
for( i=1; i<=n; i++)
userInput = keyboard.next();