Gravitational time dilation derivation

In summary, the spaceship travels a distance equal to v*t2, which is the same as if the beam of light was shot from an outside observer.
  • #1
If a beam of light is shot from a fast space ship, it travels a distance c*t1 according to their reference frame.
The same beam of light seen from an outside observer goes at an angle and travels a distance c*t2.
The distance the spaceship travels is equal to v*t2.
Using the triangle made from these lengths, the Pythagorean theorem shows that

This is the well known time dilation from special relativity.

The equation for gravitational time dilation in the presence of a large mass is very similar (v is replaced with escape velocity it turns out.)

Does anyone know a geometrical proof for gravitational time dilation similar to the one for time dilation due to relative speed? I'm looking for an elegant derivation like special relativity's. Something simple and beautiful like the above example.
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  • #2
kairama15 said:
If a beam of light is shot from a fast space ship, it travels a distance c*t1 according to their reference frame.

A distance from where to where?

kairama15 said:
The same beam of light seen from an outside observer goes at an angle and travels a distance c*t2.

From where to where?

kairama15 said:
The distance the spaceship travels is equal to v*t2.

From where to where?

kairama15 said:
Using the triangle made from these lengths

How can you draw a triangle from these lengths when they are lengths in different frames? That doesn't make sense.

If you are getting this geometric derivation of SR time dilation from some reference, please give the reference.

kairama15 said:
Does anyone know a geometrical proof for gravitational time dilation similar to the one for time dilation due to relative speed?

The general answer will be "no", since gravitational time dilation is not the same thing as SR time dilation due to relative speed and shouldn't be expected to have the same geometric properties.
  • #3
The usual way to motivate gravitational time dilation is to invoke the equivalence principle to equate the behavior of time on Einstein's accelerating elevator to time in a gravitational field.

It's not too hard to show that a beam of light emitted from the rear of the spaceship will take some amount of time to reach the front, during which the spaceship (including the front of the ship) accelerates. This causes the beam of light to be redshifted when it arrives at the front of the ship. The argument goes then that this redshift is explained by "gravitational time dilation" in the accelerated frame.

A less simple but more convincing calculation uses the ability of tensors to handle arbitrary coordinate systems, and it involves finding the necessary transform between the coordinates of the accelerating ship and the coordinates in some particular inertial frame. Then the Rindler metric gives the gravitational time dilation directly.

This second approach defines the mathematical structure to actually describe all the metric effects of acceleration, and to show that the only effect is on the metric coefficient ##g_{00}##. The motivational treatment is a bit haphazard, it doesn't guarantee that there aren't any other relativistic effects, for instance.

For the end result, see for instance, and note that the metric is the same except for ##g_{00}##.

I doubt this is as simple as what you want, but it's what I've got to offer at the moment.
  • #4
kairama15 said:
Does anyone know a geometrical proof for gravitational time dilation similar to the one for time dilation due to relative speed? I'm looking for an elegant derivation like special relativity's. Something simple and beautiful like the above example.
Gravitation is covered by General Relativity, not Special Relativity. Gravitational time dilation emerges from (for example) the Schwartzschild solution of Einstein's equations. I would consider this beautiful, but would never claim it to be simple. It can also be derived from an accelerated reference frame, but that is not strictly gravitation (equivalence principle). Again, beautiful but not simple.

FAQ: Gravitational time dilation derivation

What is gravitational time dilation?

Gravitational time dilation is a phenomenon in which time passes at a different rate in regions with different gravitational potentials. This means that time passes slower in regions with stronger gravitational fields, such as near massive objects like planets or black holes.

How is gravitational time dilation derived?

The formula for gravitational time dilation is derived from Einstein's theory of general relativity. It involves using the concept of spacetime curvature and the equivalence principle, which states that the effects of gravity are indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration.

What is the formula for gravitational time dilation?

The formula for gravitational time dilation is Δt' = Δt√(1-2GM/rc²), where Δt' is the time interval measured in a stronger gravitational field, Δt is the time interval measured in a weaker gravitational field, G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the object causing the gravitational field, r is the distance from the center of the object, and c is the speed of light.

How does gravitational time dilation affect GPS satellites?

GPS satellites orbit the Earth at a higher altitude where the gravitational field is weaker. This causes time to pass slightly faster for the satellites compared to clocks on the surface of the Earth. To account for this, the clocks on the satellites are adjusted using the formula for gravitational time dilation, otherwise the GPS system would not be accurate.

Is gravitational time dilation a proven phenomenon?

Yes, gravitational time dilation has been observed and measured in various experiments, such as the Pound-Rebka experiment and the Hafele-Keating experiment. It has also been confirmed through observations of phenomena like gravitational lensing and the gravitational redshift effect.

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