Harmonic Analysis with Ansys APDL: Obtaining Strain and Stress Solutions

  • #1
Tonino Sepe
Hi everyone,
I have done the Harmonic Analysis of my model with Ansys APDL 17.0 (ACADEMIC version), and I have obtained only the DOF solution of my nodes but i need the Strain and Stress solution . How can I get it?
Tonino Sepe.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
I have already checked the Ansys documentation and the example, i know how to plot the strain of a node vs frequency range but the problem is that these informations after the analysis there aren't. I don't know why.
  • #4
Are you sure your problem is coming to a solution?
  • #5
I think yes, the analysis is correct.
  • #6
i was using ANSYS APDL 12 and there was a "design opt" in the main menu tree to the left. it s for design optimization. however now i built my model in ansys apdl 15 but there s no longer "design opt" in it. any ideas how to apply design optimization in apdl 15??
  • #7
Sorry, I haven't used the feature you're trying to. What specific features of your geometry are you trying to optimize for harmonic response?
  • #8
Mech_Engineer said:
Sorry, I haven't used the feature you're trying to. What specific features of your geometry are you trying to optimize for harmonic response?
I m trying to update my FE model with the harmonic test results (i.e. compare FRF results from analysis and test)